Thoughts on our Prey

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Thoughts on our Prey

Postby Imarë » Wed Sep 14, 2005 12:49 pm

There are a couple ot thoughts on the targets and the preliminary method I think should be looked at.

To get to the level that they are in a warrior church, I would presume that they are well qualified with weaponry. I would say that we should anticipate them to be at least as skilled as a knight would be. This being my belief, I would say to hit them at night, preferably when they have retired to bed and would not be armored. There would also be a period of disorientation while they wake out of sleep. They would also be separated and, if we are quiet about it, prevent one from coming to the aid of the other. I know chances of this happening are remote but this is just talk of our "ideal" attack.

Another possibility would be to try to get them when they are outside the confines of the abbey (especially if they are alone). This would put two presumably good fighters together but would be outside the confines where they could expect help from others in the abbey. The preference here would be to get them the way we did Errol (Sir Baris might wish to bring hand protection).

We should also keep in mind our friend from Selvos. He thinks we are in league with evil already and might expect us to make an attempt at him because he knows it. There is a possiblility that he may have set a trap for us so I think a goodly amount of scouting would be in order to try to get some routine down not only for the two we are after but everybody in the abbey. Much will depend on how the abbey is constructed and protected as to whether we can get inside or not or if we need to infiltrate. Anybody else have ideas or presumptions of their own?
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Postby Lord Ewen » Wed Sep 14, 2005 6:45 pm

I scanned past this thread the other night, and only caught it after my last post on the "paranoia thread". So, in the interest of putting things in their proper place, I paste my final paragraph here thusly:

It seems to me that slaying two well-guarded Serolans can be accomplished broadly by one of two separate means: infiltrating where they are ensconced, or drawing them out into the open. The latter idea is, perhaps, inspired by our discussions of the plight of the late Subla Uldseth. I would like to at least explore this latter option. To which end, it would be helpful to learn something of the broader state of Laranian strongholds nearby to Avertu, as well as the local Serolan's known allies. In the interest of answering the following question: to where might the Serolan flee should she feel impelled to evacuate Avertu? Such a plan would need to ensure, of course, that the answer is not Caer Avertu.
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Postby Lord Ewen » Wed Sep 14, 2005 6:58 pm

Thus, I think Dave and I are both delineating a similar branching in the decision-making to be done: inside the abbey, or out? I should note that I think the likelihood of catching the two high priests dawdling about the countryside without escort remote, and this would hold for my scenario of them relocating elsewhere in extremis as well. We may well conclude that ambush outside the temple would require greater manpower than infiltration. Subla Uldseth was seized by virtue of superior troops. In an outdoor scenario, the Laranian manpower would need to be cleverly drawn away from their two superiors, I should think. In other words, the operation would require a two-step process: separation of the Serolans from the abbey, followed by separation from their guard. Unless we intend to retain a small mercenary band to assist with this. 8)
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Postby Imarë » Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:57 am

No, I think that infiltration (if it can be done) will be our best bet. The more people we take into our confidence, the more chance of this information being leaked to either the Laranians or the civil authorities (remember, Sir Auram officially knows nothing of this and would probably cut us loose). Questioning Sir Tovar would not, I believe, be in our best interest. First, he will wonder why we are asking and will probably have heard what happened to us. He will suspect revenge is on our mind. I don't know of what religion he is but Larani is high on the list for a military man. Second, the deniablility factor afterward would be around zero. Imare, for one, does not wish to be tied into this at all (she has already been jailed twice and does not wish a repeat of either one). The thought of doing Sir Thomas Becket is not appealing so we should probably avoid the chapel if possible. I do agree that getting the layout where the two are is paramount and in a place other than a castle is to be desired. We should see what information if any we can get in Golotha from sources we do not know. If not, we will probably have to go to Aleath (preferably in our disguises and nom de guerre's) and try to find out things there. I have not heard anybody comment on my idea of not using the local inn/tavern. My thought is that places like this might be watched and why take the chance? From timing, it looks as if the trip to Coranan is out, the time would be too great and leaving the dak at anchor or wharf in Golotha will bring attention and possible danger of loosing a good crew. To my mind, Imare will have to change the most for her disguise. There are plenty of humans in the kingdom to hide among but very few elves and if somebody is looking for a party with an elf along...
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Postby Matt » Fri Sep 16, 2005 10:26 am

Imarë wrote:To my mind, Imare will have to change the most for her disguise. There are plenty of humans in the kingdom to hide among but very few elves and if somebody is looking for a party with an elf along...

It's not like you have pointed ears or anything. Very, very few humans can recognize an elf when they see one (Serolan Palgren is clearly not among them - he certainly doesn't think you're an elf). I wouldn't worry about this angle at all.
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Postby Imarë » Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:39 am

Thanks for the verification. This will make life somewhat less of a problem.
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Postby Lord Ewen » Fri Sep 16, 2005 7:23 pm

Camping out, as opposed to staying at a tavern, will bear its own share of risks, I think (patrols, adverse weather in winter, lack of spiritous libation, etc.). While Ewen is certainly more in his element in a tavern than in a glade, I must admit that the presence of two hunters in the party informs this choice significantly.

I think, though, that the plan should drive this choice, not the other way around. Thus, I suggest that we not foreclose either option, but gather what information we may in the month of Halane, construct a tentative plan, and then decide about the tavern / camping option.
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Postby Imarë » Sat Sep 17, 2005 6:34 pm

That is what I meant. I think we should bring stuff so that camping out is an option. It would probably be good in any event to have somebody in town even if we do camp out. They could keep the party informed about developments in the settlement. If there are people looking for a party bent on revenge, a single wandering harper would probably not raise suspicions (especially if you were in disguise). If we stayed in the town we could also arrive in separate groups and stay divided in public. I just want to be prepared to do any of them.
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Postby Lord Ewen » Sat Sep 17, 2005 6:57 pm

I think I'll be leaving the musical instruments in Golotha. I do not think this is a mission suitable for half-measures, and retaining my profession as a harper would seem a needless hazard in Avertu. I went about Selvos with my lute, carried it over my head when we waded out to the Morgathian Temple, and thus had the thing confiscated with my weapons when Barald Palgren seized us.

Having said as much, I certainly think Ewen likely to volunteer for duty within the settlement if we opt for the huntresses to remain encamped in the neighboring wilds. (What Klanking Karl of the Shiny Suit will opt to wear to the masque is certainly a topic for feverish speculation...)

While we have never been to Avertu, I wonder if we have a general sense of the type of countryside to expect down south there?

I definitely concur with the notion of splitting the group on this operation, just as you say.
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Postby Lord Ewen » Sat Sep 17, 2005 7:30 pm

In the interest of taking things up a notch here, I thought I might offer for discussion some assumptions we might make about Avertu, sight unseen.

Without knowing anything, I think it safe to assume we are talking about a settlement similar to Selvos in size and character. We can expect a moderate-sized keep, and we know that a temple of Larani exists, likely in the nearby vicinity of the keep. Located on the Gulf of Ederwyn, there will inevitably be a dock, wharf, and the usual appurtenances (seaman's hostel, pilot house, grog house, etc.). A temple of Peoni seems a good bet, as these tend to shelter near Laranian strongholds in communities of this size. Other religions seem less likely, although possibly Haleans might have something, a la Selvos, as merchants seem to go together with both maritime trade and Halea.

The town will have a central area for markets, fairs, public punishment, a well or two, etc. We can probably expect a couple of inns or taverns aside from the sailor's dive. Some wealthy merchants may have houses or small estates, but I shouldn't expect anything too grand. The land beyond the town proper will be cultivated to the degree possible, with nearby villages clustered about. The fields will be relatively vacant, given the time of the year, with the common folk hunkering down for the winter and attending to aspects of domestic life which are foregone when the work of farming consumes the warmer seasons.

Please feel free to add to this, or strike any assumptions you think unwarranted. My point is, though, that while we have no clue about the specific layout of the place, we probably have a fairly good notion of what we can expect, given that all Hârnic settlements will follow a fairly predicable pattern due to the exigencies of the society. So, perhaps we can develop our hypothetical description of Avertu further, and then decide as we plan what specific information we might need to obtain about the real place, and whether we can obtain this while in Golotha, or whether we are stuck with waiting until we get down there to gain clarification.
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Postby Matt » Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:17 pm

Ewen wrote:Without knowing anything, I think it safe to assume we are talking about a settlement similar to Selvos in size and character.

Without commenting on anything else, I will say that Avertu is a keep, and is this somewhat smaller than Selvos. It's likely to be a bit more provincial.
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Postby Lord Ewen » Sun Sep 18, 2005 2:35 pm

Ewen has spent some time browsing through the Lenesque library. In addition to coming across an atlas with the various Hârnic kingdoms in it, he has also found a brief description of the countryside down by Avertu. The region is a large heath with scattered fens, bogs and swampy areas. Broad woodland and forest are not to be expected; vegetation and trees are likely to be stunted and scrubby, Ewen gathers from his reading.

I suggest we keep this in mind when contemplating the camping option, as the degree of exposure in such terrain will likely be greater than in the countryside we are used to around the Thard. Not exactly the Forest of Arden down there. Winter, I imagine, will naturally thin the scant foliage even further, although it might help in regard to making the ground more firm. (Memo to Baris: it still sounds like a plate-mail nightmare, but you be the judge.)
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Postby Imarë » Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:40 am

From the reading, is there any idea what kind of agriculture goes on there? My thought is that we need some kind of reason for going there. If this area, like Selvos I believe, is heavy into sheep, we could be going to buy or sell sheep. Hard I know with the fact that nobody (so far as we know) has any skill with animal husbandry but it is something to look consider. Even if we do not do something like that, we need to have a reason to be there (I cannot imagine it is like a city where a party or parties can come and go with a lot of others) especially in early winter. Any ideas here?
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Postby Lord Ewen » Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:19 pm

Definitely sheep, I should think, although certainly the GM may let us know if anything which Ewen has read confirms this or adds more. I should think it very strange for a location boasting a keep to not have cultivated land in the immediate vicinity yielding whatever meager crops may be grown to sustain a community of surrounding villages, though, so there must be some farming.

Ewen, for one, knows nothing of such husbandry, and I suspect our group as a whole would be hard-pressed to maintain for long such a dissimulation amidst folk who have herded sheep for generations. But we certainly need a cover story, and I shall give it some thought...
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Postby Imarë » Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:31 pm

Perhaps we do not need to know a lot about sheep (if this is a sheep raising area). We choose someone to be a land owner in a small manor in the north (we can choose one we have no connection to). The person has decided to introduce sheep onto the land instead of planting a crop. They are now looking into buying sheep for this operation and have come south in order to look for some. They have decided to come in winter because they are not needed to supervise everything right now and want to have everything lined up for having the animals transported the first thing in the spring. A couple of men at arms for people coming from the Golotha area would not be out of place in my reconing. Does anybody have reservations or additions about a story like this? My thinking is that 1) we need to have a reason to come to the town in winter 2) we need not to have a lot of attention drawn to us 3) our story should not lead to our real identities. Arriving on the Solata II would mean that nobody in Golotha would know where we were going and nobody at the destination would know where we came from (except Dwilith and crew, who are in our area of control). We would leave as quickly as possible without a forwarding address after we are successful (or have no need to leave if we are not). Input?
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Postby Matt » Tue Sep 20, 2005 2:36 pm

Not to put too fine a point on it, but that story wouldn't hold up for more than a heartbeat. Sheep are not so scarce in the north (or anywhere on Harn) that anyone would have to travel very far to procure them. Further, the time to do so is not after the autumn slaughter but the spring lambing. One would think you were some pampered elf from the Shava forest or something. :wink:

Oh, and the ship's names is spelled Selata.
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Postby Imarë » Tue Sep 20, 2005 4:03 pm

Well, we could claim to be looking for our missing brother and are afraid of the water... :lol:
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Postby Matt » Tue Sep 20, 2005 4:12 pm

Imarë wrote:Well, we could claim to be looking for our missing brother and are afraid of the water... :lol:

Indeed, you will recall that one worked. 8)
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Postby Lord Ewen » Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:19 pm

OK, scratch the sheep.

Given that Avertu is a small coastal town, it occurs to me that the most plausible story might be that we are enroute to somewhere, perhaps somewhere in the east. We sailed from Golotha on the first ship we could find which would land in Avertu, with arrangements to later catch a ship across the Gulf of Ederwyn for our eastern destination. We are awaiting a specific ship, though, perhaps because some family member has arranged the second leg of the passage already, which would explain why we do not leave if any old ship happens to be going that way. Perhaps we expect to be met by said family member aboard the second vessel. Thus, we may present ourselves as being stuck in Avertu, maybe for the bulk of the winter, because our family member must await the ship in question completing its business out east and then sailing when weather allows.

This would allow us to debark directly from the Selata, if Dwilith can fashion an excuse to put in to Avertu. For added verisimilitude, we can perhaps grumble publically about the accomodations aboard the Selata, complain that the master of the ship is more concerned with trade than with pampering his passengers, etc. Nothing to harm aspects of Dwilith's reputation that we would care about, just some added color.

Flaws in this plan?

It would seem that an exit strategy should be considered as well, though. Do we intend to importune Dwilith with the task of picking us up as well, or do we need to flee across land? Avertu seems far from the heart of the kingdom, and situated at the edge of a bleak landscape to boot. If the former is feasible, should we identify a spot south of Avertu on the way in where, on a specified day, Dwilith will send in the boat to pick us up? If we're not there, of course, we are out of luck. Is such a plan too much imposition on Dwilith's primary concern (making gobs of cash for you shareholders)?
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Postby Imarë » Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:39 am

Sounds like a viable idea. We could leave word that we are waiting for a specific person to arrive with the innkeeper. That should let the word out nicely.

As to the ship, having it remain in the area would be expensive to both Dwilith and the other owners. Plus, having a ship in the area would bring more attention on ourselves. If we have him leave and come back, we are tied to a specific timeline. I think we need to be able to get the job finished and run, to Imare overland would be the correct way to go.

Do we wish to try to pin it on somebody else or leave as little evidence as possible. If we are going to try to shift responsibility, some Morgathian stuff would be appropriate (a mask or something like it). This could cause some fighting between the two groups but that would help keep them away from working against the crown.

Any input from Bevan or Sir Baris on this? The more that we can agree on here, the less game-time it will take.
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Postby Lord Ewen » Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:33 pm

Indeed, input would be good. Dave and I hashed out a plan to split the party prior to last session, which was subsequently abandoned at the outset of game day when it was clear that others demurred. We have a bit over two weeks to hammer something out here, folks. :lol:

I thought of the fact that a Selata exit strategy would pin us to a timetable, and agree that there are major drawbacks to this. OTOH, with the likelihood that pursuit would be mounted, fleeing overland has its drawbacks as well. Unless, of course, we can pull it off and flee before the murders are discovered. Given the high profile of the two targets, I should think the only way to pull off the latter and give ourselves a flight buffer would be to give the temporary impression that the Serolans are missing, as opposed to dead. The longer the deceit held up, the more lead time we would gain. But I shudder to think of us fleeing across a wind-swept god-forsaken wintertime moor on foot with mounted pursuers to our rear. We would preferably need to obtain or commandeer horses to stand a chance.

Let's just spin out some assassination scenarios for the purpose of assessing how viable they might be.

1. We obtain detailed information regarding the living quarters at the Temple, specifically the sleeping arrangements for the two Serolans. We infiltrate at night, kill the two in their sleep, and flee. Standard skullduggery fare here, which is not to underestimate the obvious challenges.

2. We manipulate some situation where we gain access to the two Serolans in private conference. Disguise would need to be pro-level stuff here - incredibly good to stand a chance. One means of obtaining such an audience might be to manipulate the greed factor. As a group, we collectively have sufficient access to gold coins, gemstones, baubles, etc, to perhaps entice the high priests with a fictitious story of a potential generous endowment to the local temple, with a backstory provided. The endowment would need to be presented as only a possibility, to lure the Serolans into pursuing it to get it. For instance, if we use the fiction of travelling east as I suggested above, we might include in our backstory some rationale for wanting to dis-encumber ourselves of the loot. Perhaps one of us is going east for the purpose of an arranged marriage, and would prefer our wealth (perhaps we're a wealthy widow) to be donated rather to fall into the hands of the future spouse, of whom we are not thrilled. Something like that.

3. We manipulate a scenario in Avertu with the intention of motivating the Serolans to flee to a safer town. We count on the two mighty Laranian high priests to save their own skins rather than stick around in Avertu. One way to pull this off would be to create hysteria in town regarding plague. Considering of the potential for mass hysteria to feed itself once the proper seeds are planted, we might only need a usable plan to stoke the fires sufficiently and convincingly, and then let the townsfolk do the rest. Think of the hysteria and paranoia attendant to the spread of the Black Death. We would need, however, a means of making a few innocent victims exceedingly ill (collateral damage, admittedly). The goal would be to ambush the Serolans in their flight, and we would probably need to ensure that the keep itself seems tainted enough to preclude their simply retreating behind the walls. Such a plan would require, certainly, much in the way of specific planning to achieve the desired psychological effect. One drawback, of course, is the likelihood that folk would blame strangers first for the plague (the Jews are poisoning the wells, etc.) (Hell, perhaps the Morgathians are poisoning the wells!)

I make no claims that any of these plans are anything short of lunacy, but am trying to get the ball rolling here :twisted:
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Postby Matt » Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:58 pm

Just a clarification as there seems to be some confusion. Chendy Abbey is not in Avertu, but some distance away. Chendy is essentially a manor unto itself. Avertu is merely the nearest settlement of any size.
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Postby Imarë » Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:52 am

I tend to lean towards scenario #1 or a variant of it. If we use try the second, that would mean that there are others would be aware of our presence and cut down on our chance of getting away with nobody finding out. It would also be required that the two be greedy and I think that, at least, our Serolan is dedicated to Larani and her greatness over all else. The third would be very hit or miss. We know from our experience with the Baron that people do not react as you think they might. They could just settle in and stop all interaction with the local area. It would also mean something very complicated to do.

Since this seems to be only the Abbey (as Matt mentioned) and is not referred to as a fort or manor it will hopefully be easier to breach the defenses. Much of this will need to wait until we have some idea of the layout of the town and Abbey. I think we want to keep it KISS (keep is simple stupid). My concerns have been for not alerting them ahead of time (the plan of simply waiting for somebody seems workable) and getting away. Keeping a trading ship at anchor there or nearby would cause attention to be drawn to it even if we provide for the pay of the crew. We could spend some time working out an escape route which could minimize the chances of a hue and cry catching us (you do have two experienced hunters with you, false trails etc are a possibility). Plus, if the Abbey does not have a large contingent of troops the quality of the pursuers would not be insurmountable (possibly). Depending on the size of the establishment, the Thomas Becket gambit might be the way to go (a service would be open to all and they do not tend to carry a lot of wepons with them at this time). Any thoughts on this?
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Postby Lord Ewen » Thu Sep 22, 2005 6:00 pm

Matt wrote:...there seems to be some confusion.

I'll say: my bad. :oops: I clearly missed this detail during the Sir Auram audience, and was imagining operating within a town, as we did in Selvos.

I'll concur then with Dave's analysis, insofar as a more remote location obviates the need for contortions present in plan 2 & 3.

Matt wrote:...Chendy is essentially a manor unto itself.

This, however, contradicts your assumption, Dave, that the place will be a soft target. I would expect an abbey like this to be no worse equipped than a standard manorial estate, especially given that the Laranians are long established in the former Kanday. Perhaps we might easily obtain a estimate of the manpower and structure to be expected by researching some similar rural abbeys or chapterhouses existing up in the heart of the kingdom where we are more familiar with things. Hard to say if the remoteness of the Averu environs will lead to a larger or smaller contingent than up here in the north, but we could profile an average abbey and prepare accordingly. Would Bevan as a (less than) erstwhile Laranian have a clue herself? Sir Baris, given his familiarity with this stratum of feudal society?

We probably need to confirm that Chenby does not serve as a chapterhouse for a fighting order as well as being an abbey, as that would imply a more challenging military presence. Do we think we're dealing with a company or less of armed Laranians?
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Postby Matt » Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:09 pm

Ewen wrote:Would Bevan as a (less than) erstwhile Laranian have a clue herself? Sir Baris, given his familiarity with this stratum of feudal society?

There is a similar abbey near to Heroth.

Ewen wrote:We probably need to confirm that Chenby does not serve as a chapterhouse for a fighting order as well as being an abbey, as that would imply a more challenging military presence. Do we think we're dealing with a company or less of armed Laranians?

That's the key thing. While most Laranian priests are proficient in arms, and even their ceremonies find them armed to reenact some 'sacred' battle, the fighting orders are the ones with the best warriors.
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