Ulauf Seld
Birth: Human male born in Seld, Orbaal on Azura 14, 706
Sunsign: Hirin
Parent Occupation: Weaponcrafter
Sibling Rank: 4th of five
Estrangement: unpopular
Clanhead: Uncle (Valhakar Eldred Seld)
Height: 73"
Frame: scant
Weight: 140 lbs.
Size: 6
Complexion: fair
Hair: blond
Eyes: blue
Comeliness: 14 (attractive)
General Appearance:
Medical: NA
Strength 13
Stamina 17
Dexterity 15
Agility 18
Eyesight 15
Hearing 13
Smell/Taste 13
Voice 9
Intelligence 11
Aura 13
Will 16
Morality 11 (law-abiding)
Psyche: Sadism (mild, WIL * 5 to avoid)
Deity: Sarajin
Piety: 16
Physical Skills (All skills = Name - SB / ML)
Climbing - 15 / 75
Jumping - 18 / 90
Stealth - 18 / 90
Throwing - 16 / 64
Combat Skills
Initiative - 17 / 102
Unarmed - 15 / 75
Shortbow - 15 / 105
Sword - 14 / 70
Axe - 14 / 84
Spear - 14 / 84
Keltan - 15 / 75
Shield - 14 / 84
Communications Skills
Awareness - 16 / 80
Intrigue - 13 / 39
Oratory - 11 / 22
Rhetoric - 12 / 36
Ritual (Sarajin) - 11 / 11
Singing - 10 / 30
Lovecraft - 14 / 42
Ivinian - 12 / 82
Harnic - 12 / 62
Craft/Lore Skills
Tracking - 15 / 90
Foraging - 13 / 65
Survival - 13 / 65
Hideworking - 15 / 30
Heraldry - 15 / 30
Physician - 14 / 28
Weaponcraft - 15 / 45
Fletching - 17 / 51
Seamanship - 15 / 45
Herblore - 13 / 13
Cookery - 14 / 42
Weatherlore - 13 / 39