Enough Piece to Start the Jigsaw Puzzle Yet?

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Enough Piece to Start the Jigsaw Puzzle Yet?

Postby Imarë » Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:50 am

This would probably be a good time to bring up not only Ewen’s parentage but also the events which occurred in Golotha. First off, the revelation that Sir Ewen is deryni open up several doors I thought closed where ancestry is concerned. I think we can safely assume that one does not “catch” deryni and that he has always been so (Trilime would be an example of this). I would also assume that some have more pronounced abilities and their powers are known and there are others who do not show early, external features of the powers. This is a round-about way of saying I don’t think Sir Ewen was aware/fully aware of what he is. It should be noted here (for interest) that Lord Graver, probably not a weak deryni, read Sir Ewen twice and never mentioned that he was a deryni, even to one of his favorite agents. My guess here is that these powers have been honed in the last five or six months in his trysts with Rahel. The sensations that Sir Ewen felt when consuming the aquavit could be the fabled substance that Ardeth was in search of to block the powers of the deryni. It is interesting that Rahel had touched Sir Ewen before the resolution of the search for the Baron and must have known who the killer was (the aforementioned knight of Tharda) and what had been done to the body (and why) yet she (or who she works for) decided to carve similar decorations into the Baron. She then proceeds to save his life and seems to fall head over heels for him (sorry. I know Sir Ewen is bright and charming (yada, yada, yada), but I don’t see Rahel “falling” for anybody like that, she is too driven to some task to allow that). So I perceive the timeline as such:

1) Sir Felkar is dispatched when opportunity arises
2) The Baron of Quste flees and is captured by (we think) the excessive number of guards Rahel has.
3) Bevan meet the Lady Rahel and they dine at the Aerth’s house with Ewen of Ravinargh
4) The Baron is discovered in the stock of the city with mascles carved in his chest nude
5) Slaaka is gutted by a man in dark armor who is discovered coming from the room of the perfumers’ daughter (Jelesa?) while comments which hardly seem to be flattering to the guttee are uttered.
6) The party questions Slaaka and Borana about what happened and learn of the attacker and the power he has (entry without any signs where he came in)
7) A strong sense of dread (Morgathian) is felt by Ewen and Sir Baris in the alley across from the perfumers.
8 ) The household vanishes without a trace, the assumption being made that they have gone to Shiran on a buying trip (yet not dead Slaaka turns up and he was in no condition to travel)
9) The guards to the temple of Morgath are slaughtered (three decapitated, one nearly so, and two killed with three arrows). The party has no idea if that is all the casualties in the temple.
10) The party goes off to Coranan (after making Parqu extremely unhappy)
11) The “Prophet” is killed by, listening to descriptions, the same man who filleted Slaaka.
12) The Agrikans go wild in an orgy of violence which makes the visit to the Silk Hat friendly.
13) Said dark knight once again appears to fight Sir Zaurial, laying him out with no trouble at all. His knights sacrifice themselves to protect him and get him away from the scene of battle gravely wounded.
14) The Agrikan power base in the city is shattered. They still have the seat on the council and power, but no longer run the city

So before I continue, are there any corrections or additions to either my musings earlier or the timeline later?
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Postby Matt » Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:02 am

The one correction I would make is there notation of armor in the attack on Slakka - I don't believe he mentioned that.

Before you continue - let's give Sir Ewen a chance to weigh in.
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Postby Imarë » Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:05 am

That's why I stopped.

I thought the garments of the intruder were mentioned. Perhaps the I mixed up clothes with armor.
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Postby Lord Ewen » Mon Apr 17, 2006 7:20 pm

More than enough pieces, I should think. The timeline is well done, and I think you have already concluded enough (still unstated) to know how to make that timeline into a series of causal links, telling much of the story of what actually happened in Golotha. I encourage you to continue, and piece it together as best you can; I think you guys should claim your share of the laurels in figuring the lion's share of it out before I go ahead and tell the tale from Ewen's perspective.

A few observations on your remarks in the first paragraph, though, might prove helpful. The conclusion about the aquavit is spot-on, excellent work. But do consider in greater depth what Rahel's action with the aquavit means, because grasping that may help you with teasing out the links in the story, and help you to correct a few inaccurate conclusions perhaps. Most importantly, if I read you correct, you are seriously underestimating Lord Graver and, perhaps, Ewen. Never a good thing. So what, then, actually happened in Lord Graver's chamber when Ewen admitted to the murder of Sir Felkar? (And how, BTW, did that drive what happened next?) Also, I think you need to spend some more time with your conclusions about Rahel ... :twisted:
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Postby Imarë » Mon Apr 17, 2006 8:37 pm

I'm sorry if you think I am underestimating Rahel. I think she is a talented and singularly driven woman. I cannot yet see what her object is but I am doubting altruism. I think she has an object in mind when she does things. I think there is something about Sir Ewen which makes his training and cooperation a desirable outcome. She very well may have feelings for Sir Ewen, and love might be one of them but I do not see this as something to overcome her drive. I wonder if we have any idea what Sir Ewen was doing at the times when the Baron and the journeyman were killed, perhaps knowing what he had done she was giving him an alibi if he were otherwise occupied. Since the only reason we know (I think) that he had not done the other murders is his word and if you don't know this little gem of information one would connect all the murders into the acts of one man. Without further input it is hard to determine what someones motivations are, especially someone like Rahel (who keeps things deliberately under wraps). I guess she either sensed or knew there was more to the harper Ewen of Ravenargh than met the eye and is acting upon this knowlege. If her patron is who I think it might be, that is high praise indeed.

Lord Graver is, and always has been to me, a riddle inside an enigma. Since we can only suppose what he wants to happen it is hard to determine what actions mean to him. There is also the problem that we do not know what kind of communications that can pass between two deryni so what happened in his office can only be seen through the eyes we have. I have always been suspicious that after reading Bevan he wanted to read Ewen. This indicates to me that either some kind of message could have been placed into Bevan (I suppose similar to the actions of Lord Morgan and Para in the north to prevent anyone but King Darabor from reading us). It could also be that the knowlege of what Rahel had done had more meaning to him than to us and therefore wished to see the deryni (the aquavit and the reaction would have been read through Bevan and he would not miss the implication). As with Rahel, Lord Graver is a man with a mission, who works for the King of Tharda and has a set of priorities and yet also knows that Lord Morgan exists and who he is. If, as in the prior paragraph, I make the conclusion who Rahel works for, that would make Ewen a really tempting target as he may not know what Rahel and her patron have in store for Ewen. It is interesting that the missions we are sent on after this have an element of grave danger. To ferret out Morgathian activity is never a hobby for the unskilled (and few are skilled) and nearly resulted in the death of not only Ewen but one of his favorite agents. The next task was to go to a Laranian Abbey and murder not one but two Serolons. Now just the abilities gained on the way to becoming a priest of Larani could be dangerous enough for a small number of people (they are a fighting order after all), but there are two of them surrounded by other members of a fighting order. Ewen's conclusion was either very novel and not thought of by the GM or he has been taking acting lessions (too many martini's on the battlefield?). The third task undertaken was the elimination of Sir Peten. Now that we know there was a deryni present it would be a little easier (presumption on my part), but he was still an earlier follower of Prince Arren and must (knowing his standards) have had skill. What Lord Gravers plan might be I do not know but I am sure he had one and it must have been a duzzy.

I have already drawn a conclusion about the timeline, and that is that other than the first impulsive act of Ewen, the remaining actions were the acts of an intelligent design, I would even go so far as to guess a collosal intelligence (but then I do tend to see him hiding behind every non-existant lamp post. Hey, I think I'm an elf too). If there are any other comments before I go into my Oliver Stone production, I will give it some time to simmer and get other reactions (Read: Please don't dispare Van, I will go into the gory details and not have to rip them out of you).
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Postby Matt » Mon Apr 17, 2006 11:51 pm

How unfortunate that all Martinis on the battlefield are visible these days. :wink:

There is much interesting specualtion here. Perhaps Imarë would like to continue with the timeline now that Sir Ewen has nodded. As I read this, no details will need to be ripped, but will wait until the group has had a chance to 'posit.'

I rather agree with Sir Ewen that the motivations of Rahel have not been explored beyond a very superficial level, and even the motivations of Lord Graver fall into this category. It is well known that Imarë supposes that not even Arren II is his own man in these events, and I think this particular theory needs to be revisited. Reimagined even. 8)
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Postby Imarë » Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:06 am

It is really hard, you know, to delve into peoples motivations when you have no clue what they might be. I have not done so with and depth to Rahel or Lord Graver because I really don't know what motivates them. I have made the minor leaps I have because I felt this was at least tenable. Now, if I had their clinical evaluations and a complete rundown, I could probably go a little more in depth. Perhaps as the rest of this progresses there will be other flashes of insight but I cannot promise. At a minimum, I underestimate neither of them. The level I am at now is that both are rather mysterious.

Will continue with the timeline later today and give my initial prognistication on it.
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Postby Imarë » Tue Apr 18, 2006 10:59 am

Now, on to what my hypothosis is:

The whole situation started when the wildcard struck. Ewen of Ravenargh decided to follow the man he thought was in cahoots with his brother. In the process of this he witnesses the robbery of Sir Felkar by Mogger, Slaaka, Jemeniz, and Evil Erol. This quartet leaves the battered Sir Felkar lying in the alley but alive, just taking the @
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Postby Matt » Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:06 am


Did you fall down? Can you get up?

Was the "@" a cry for help? :shock:
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Postby Imarë » Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:43 am

Wrong button and they work intruded before I could conclude the train of thought. I transferred it to Word to continue to work on.
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Postby Imarë » Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:20 pm

Sorry, wrong button.

I had stopped when Sir Felkar was lying in the street post robbery. Ewen, following, saw an opportunity and decided to kill him, carving the return of the symbols on Pelisa in Coranan. I think this started a whole run of events. When the morning came and the Baron became aware that his trusted captain of the guard had not only robbed him but was killed in the process. He now had two problems, he had lost the sizable donation that the Temple of Morgath was forcing out of him and someone had killed Felkar. He decided the thing to do was run for it back to his own manor. He fled. He was pursued by, we are almost totally certain, the men of Rahel. These men were seen leaving the city at a fast clip hot on the heels of the Baron. He was then, presumably, brought back into the city somehow and placed in guest quarters in Rahels home. Sometime after these events, Bevan visits the Aerths and is invited to dine with them. Rahel is there (coincidence? I get the impression that she does not visit mom much...) and decides to go to the dinner also. Now I would assume that Rahel knows about who Bevan is and what her mission is. Perhaps she is thinking of helping (like Rhonna and Para are in Tashal), but Bevan does not show up alone, she brings Ewen. She somehow recognizes that Ewen is also a deryni (jury out as to whether or not he knew at this point) and decides to get closer and invites him for dinner. At this dinner, she feeds him a substance in the aquavit which shows to a certainty that he is a deryni. This also gives her a chance to read what he knows (Stavron et al). Now there is a delay between when the Baron goes missing and when he reappears in the stocks (about 10 days). Why? Rahel would have no need to question the man, she could have gotten what she needed by touch. I believe the delay was to either seek further instructions from her superior or to wait for him to arrive. I will not hide that I think that this is Lord Morgan of Darring. Since the last time we saw him was up in Lorkin, this is a pretty good feat but we know the deryni have a way of commuting which seems to lessen the time needed. So now Lord Morgan now is in town and what does he do? In my mind he goes and visits the daughter of the perfumer. Why? The only reason that I can come up with if that he has some personal connection to the girl; my supposition is that she is his daughter (he does seem to have rather increased the ranks of the family tree). He gets into the house the same way he got into the castle when he killed Chafin III, using deryni powers (which we also saw in use in the north while attacking the other castle). Somehow he is heard while there in the girl’s room and Slaaka comes to protect the house, naked with a sword. Lord Morgan takes umbrage at this and very quickly gives him a mortal wound and then disappears (harming neither the daughter nor her mother mind you). His words could either represent a previous acquaintance between the two or it could be that Lord Morgan objected to be accosted by a man in the buff. We learn about the attack first hand from Borana and Slaaka himself and then go off on our way. I believe it is after this that the Baron makes his reappearance in Golotha. I think Lord Morgan is the one who did the deed, payback for the loyalty shown to Arren II. After this the journeyman is also killed and both have the mascles carved upon the chests (diversion? fun? Purpose?). It is while investigating the killing of the journeyman that Ewen and Sir Baris have the run in at the square with the Morgathian presence across for Borana’s shop. It is shortly after this that the house is found to be empty; everyone assuming that she went to Shiran for perfume. Certain things argue against this for me. First, Slaaka was alive at this time (he had a couple of days left) and his body never went to Boraga. There was also no sighting from anybody that she was seen to leave the city. My belief is that the Morgathians, looking for the offering the Baron was due to give, found out that Slaaka was one of those who robbed him of their money and they wanted it. They took Slaaka and Borana and her daughter to their temple to work on this. If my hypothesis is correct, Lord Morgan would not have been happy with the Morgathians taking his daughter and went to rescue them. Can anyone else think of anyone with the ability and desire to take on the Temple of Morgath? And then inflict such a beating on the place (six that we know of, perhaps more)? It would be interesting to see if the hill outside of the city has a new guardian added to it (Slaaka has still never turned up you know). It is about now that the party decides that they must go and give a personal report to Sir Auram about the death of the Baron and what they have seen in Golotha. It is also at this point that Ewen decides to come out of the closet on his activities. It is also at this point the city is rocked by rebellion once again. Person or persons unknown (guess who I think?) went and killed the man the Agrikans called “the Prophet”. Anyone who had talked with any Agrikans in the city would know that he was held in very high regard by that community. I think this was done to make the Agrikans go off the deep end. What then happened while the Agrikans were wilding through the city? The dark knight appeared to fight Sir Zaurial, causing grievous wounds with ease. The only reason that Sir Z. was not killed was that his knights threw themselves in front of the dark knight and were slaughtered in short order while he was being dragged away. While they still have their seat on the council (Sir Klytis was sure to keep his skirts clean as usual), the power of the Agrikans was broken in the city. No longer are they in charge of keeping order in the city, the Legion is. We arrive back in a much more orderly city under the control of royal authority. Later, on the procession of Arren II through the streets of Golotha with King Alegar it might help to explain the bow he gave to Rahel, “thanks for helping bring the city back under control for me” kind of thing.

I think, in short, what happened was that Lord Morgan was keyed into the fact that a knight had been killed and the Baron, his employer, was captured by his minion (not in a pejorative sense). He then decided that this would be a good chance to bring royal authority back to the city and set the rest of the actions in motion (except what the Morgathians did). I have decided that Arren II knows about and condones the actions of Lord Morgan. While not being able to be tied to them, they are always helpful to him and he can deny he has a part in them. I believe that Lord Graver also has this knowledge and, while working for Arren II, is willing to help Lord Morgan as much as possible.

Now comes the interesting parts. We know that our Ewen and the daughter of the perfumer Jelesa (sp) are basically two peas in a pod (different ages). If Lord Morgan is the girl’s father, and we know he is a deryni who has sired children who are all deryni, could Ewen be an offspring also? It would help explain why Rahel has taken interest in him; we know she has a preoccupation with Lord Morgan (the tapestry et al.). Maybe it would also help to explain why Ewen was honored by being knighted by the King himself while no one else received honors.

Please feel free to poke at my assumptions. Any additions or suggested changes will be considered gratefully.
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Postby Lord Ewen » Tue Apr 18, 2006 6:36 pm

Imarë wrote:Ewen, following, saw an opportunity and decided to kill him ... I think this started a whole run of events.

Definitely. I don't think I'm off-base in saying that Ewen's murder of Sir Felkar triggered a cascade of linked, almost inexorable events.

Imarë wrote:He was then, presumably, brought back into the city somehow and placed in guest quarters in Rahels home. Sometime after these events, Bevan visits the Aerths and is invited to dine with them.

The dinner party at the Aerth's was the day after the Baron was seized.

Imarë wrote:She somehow recognizes that Ewen is also a deryni ... and decides to get closer and invites him for dinner.

Recall the brushing sensation Ewen felt when Rahel drew him into the alcove at her mother's home.

Imarë wrote:(Sir Klytis was sure to keep his skirts clean as usual)

Your spelling of this guy's name, in conjunction with the word "skirts", is very disturbing :wink:
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Postby Matt » Tue Apr 18, 2006 7:26 pm

Sir Ewen wrote:
Imarë wrote:(Sir Klytis was sure to keep his skirts clean as usual)

Your spelling of this guy's name, in conjunction with the word "skirts", is very disturbing :wink:

Indeed, the proper spelling is "Klyrdes."
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Postby Matt » Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:54 pm

So it seems to me that the theory has been well laid out by Imarë.

The next step as I see it, is for Sir Ewen to weigh in with his own rendition of events.
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Postby Imarë » Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:06 pm

Sorry, at work I am limited in the amount of research I can do. Most of the item was written in Word, which can be seen on the toolbar as work related. I was working with how I remembered the name and had not associated the spelling (or pronuciation) with the work "skirts". If I have offended, please forgive me as this time it was unintentional.
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Postby Matt » Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:07 pm

Imarë wrote:If I have offended, please forgive me as this time it was unintentional.

Joke - you of all people should grasp the unintentional pun ... :wink:
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Postby Imarë » Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:00 am

I should probably add that in this scenario, Selik's advances were by command (I feel so...used). Pleasant diversion anyway.

It would also follow to my conspiracy theory dominated brain that the home of Rahel actually is the Golothan base of Lord Morgan. The depth of the library about minute details about a kingdom accross the continent would press me to think that it is his. I would not be at all surprised to think he has such a place in most if not all of the cities on Harn. Housing in tenements or puclic houses does not seem to be the route that Lord Morgan and the Morganettes seem to operate.

To some degree I have based my belief that it is Lord Morgan not only due to his skill set (and prowess), but also the armor. We know that Lord Morgan has worn, as long as we have heard tales of him, darkened plate. We know from the adventures of Sir Baris in the Land of Plate that it is extreemly rare and darkened plate would be a rare subset of that (I think I have only seen the set worn by Lord Morgan).
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Postby Matt » Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:15 am

Imarë wrote:I would not be at all surprised to think he has such a place in most if not all of the cities on Harn. Housing in tenements or puclic houses does not seem to be the route that Lord Morgan and the Morganettes seem to operate.

In the cities of Tharda this is almost certainly true. However, in places like Tashal, they're likely to be more circumspect.
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Postby Imarë » Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:27 am

The address in not exactly in the Yellow Pages as it is. I don't think he/they let anybody know where they are.
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Postby Imarë » Tue Apr 25, 2006 1:09 pm

I have been making rough calculations. Because of Sir Ewen's impulsive act, I count at least 27 deaths occuring in one month. You may really be keeping Boraga in business! If you were in the Harnic Boy Scouts, you would have your carnage merit badge already. (This assumes only 5 dead at Silk Hat and 9 dead in Agrikan rioting, I think these may be low.)
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Postby Imarë » Tue Apr 25, 2006 1:53 pm

Darn, already low. I remember that Boraga's number of dead Agrikans (only) was 20, which would raise minimum number to 38.
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Postby Imarë » Wed Apr 26, 2006 11:39 am

Here is a more precise timeline:

Larane 7 Arrive Golotha for the first time

Larane 10 Sir Felkar breakfasts with group, asks if we have seen or
heard anything the night before. Could he have been doing
a dry run?

Bevan meets with Fralys, Rahel is first seen

Larane 11 Sir Felkar found murdered, complete with mascles on his
chest (different pattern from Coranan).

Baron flees city, seemingly scared out of his wits with retinue.

Larane 12 Bevan and Ewen dine at the Aerth's house. Ewen is brushed
by Rahel, gets an odd sensation in his head. She then invites
him to dinner.

Imare and Mogger become an item.

Larane 13 Mention of Ewen possibly having latent deryni talent as an
aside, never followed up on.

Imare meets Slakka at the Silk Hat

Morgathian procession up hill

Ewen's dinner at Rahel's. Aquavit gives him sick feeling/
reaction. Could this be Ardeth's fabled deryni potion? Rahel
has large tapastry showing scenes of Arren I killing Chafin III
this information has never been released to the public (and
has real gold weaved into it)

Larane 14 Ewen meets Sir Zaurial. They love "The Midget and the Elf".

Ardeth and Arva leave Golotha due to illness, go to Coranan

Larane 15 Sir Baris joins group. Originally shows no "Karl" tendencies

Borana (perfumer) has never married but has a daughter who
is the spitting image of Ewen

Learn about "The Prophet" and that he is a cousin to Sir

Bodies of Baron's guard and his 'niece' brought to Boraga
(have been dead some days) by patrol of VIII legion.

Imare meets Jeremiz and Evil Erol in Silk Hat

Silk Hat burned in Agrikan rampage fueled by Ewen providing
a hogshead of ale. Imare and Mogger only survivors (and
bowling with midgets invented).

Larane 16 Imare & Mogger survey ruins of Silk Hat. Mogger turns into a
dog after saying he would "get him"

Mogger killed by Sir Zaurial. Body parts later adorn the gate
to Sir Z's house, inside and out.

Larane 17 Slakka stabbed in Borana's by dark stranger.

Larane 18 Body of Baron of Kuste found prior night in Arren Square in
the stocks with mascles carved in his chest and a Chafin III
coin in his mouth. He had been in the stocks all day so he
would have been killed on the night of 16-17. Doctor tending
to Slakka found him.

Larane 19 Find out Arren I's first visit to Golotha was 26 years prior

Larane 20 Jarop tells us about Rahel's men tearing after the Baron just
after he ran.

Morgathian presence felt in Arren Square in the evening by
Sir Baris and Ewen, driving them away.

Mysterious stranger at Brothel (blonde, blue, tall with Melderyni
accent), left 120d tip to girl, who cannot recall his name (foggy
about it).

Jeremiz and Evil Erol killed by party. Sir Baris receives hand
injury from Imare's arrow.

Larane 21 Farla does not answer note sent to her, house is closed up.

Morgathian temple raided and six temple guards are sent to
Boraga, three decapitated, one nearly so and two killed by w/
three arrows (only deaths we know of here, there could be

Larane 25 "The Prophet" is found dead in Nemerin Square, staked out
with mascles carved in his chest.

Agrikans start days of rioting in the streets.

Larane 26 Ewen tells Si rAuram he is really Ablerond of Sourci and what
he has done.

Larane 27 Dark knight fights Sir Zaurial and almost kills him. His knights
give their lives to get him away from the dark knight.

2nd Cohort of the VIII Legion fights Agrikans and wrest
control from them.

Agrazhar 3 Morgathians and Agrikans much less friendly toward each
other according to Parqu.

Agrikan death toll at 20 according to Boraga.

Agrazhar 7 First party at Palliser House. Selik spends evening with
Imare, leaving Rahel alone with Ewen.

Did our Ewen of Ravenargh (now Sir Ewen), cause this much carnage in one month?
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Postby Lord Ewen » Wed Apr 26, 2006 6:28 pm

Imarë wrote:Silk Hat burned in Agrikan rampage fueled by Ewen providing a hogshead of ale.

FWIW, he also threw a big bag of their favorite pipeweed into the bargain, sang the song about Mogger, and suggested that the Agrikans "torch something" as they marauded through the streets of Golotha.

Imarë wrote:Jeremiz and Evil Erol killed by party.

If you recall, Ewen was quite vocal in favor of this ambush when the opportunity arose, and had previously (and repeatedly) reminded the other party members of Lord Graver's injunction to specifically deal with Erol Lenesque when he felt the others were paying inadequate attention to that part of the mission. Ewen was, of course, tying up a loose end, since we had been told that Erol had been the lookout when Mogger robbed Sir Felkar, and Ewen was concerned to eliminate him on the off chance that Erol could identify Ewen as Felkar's murderer.

Imarë wrote:Ewen tells Si rAuram he is really Ablerond of Sourci and what he has done.

That's "Ableron". And Sir Auram read Ewen, who then recapitulated the tale for Bevan's benefit.

Somewhere in here, you left out the hideworker with the mascles carved in his body. Since you're keeping a complete count.

Imarë wrote:Did our Ewen of Ravenargh (now Sir Ewen), cause this much carnage in one month?

I guess it depends upon how you parse it when you're assigning responsibility, but I think it safe to say that Ewen was the catalyst. For that matter, along similar lines perhaps, did Ewen later cause Barald Palgren's death? And did he cause Sir Peten Valgari's death? (Hint: ask Bevan, maybe: she was standing closest to Ewen when he swung that sword at Koltho...) Isn't there a certain artistic similarity to the events which precipitated the Baron's flight and demise and Sir Peten's flight and demise? :twisted:
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Postby Imarë » Wed Apr 26, 2006 7:21 pm

You are quite correct Sir Ewen, I left out a paragraph when transcribing (word did not paste well in this form). Here it is:

Larane 19/20 Elpar of Bastan (journeyman hideworker) found murdered w/mascles and a modern penny in his mouth. Pattern different from Coranan also.

I am surprised that Ewen did not offer marshmallows for the Mogger roast. On a more serious note, I did not go into detail on very much and glossed over a whole lot. I suppose it could also be to make sure that if Mogger saw anything he could not pass it on.

Once we made the leap that Evil Erol was the last Lenesque mentioned, she was in favor. Ewen did seem somewhat more on the bloodthirsty side however.

I do agree that Sir Ewen was the catalyst and not the prime mover in all of this. The greatest bodycount seems to have been among the Agrikans when Ewen was not even in the city. It is nice that at least one of the killings with mascles took place when he has a really good alibi.
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Postby Lord Ewen » Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:08 pm

Well, actually, the issue of an alibi was a moot point after the audience in Sir Auram's chamber...
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