Halane 5, 730 - Geldeheim

The Public Area for the PBF

Halane 5, 730 - Geldeheim

Postby Matt » Tue Nov 15, 2005 9:35 am

In the morning, after a hearty meal similar to the one at Turenborg, the warband departs Seldholm. Eldred and Torsten see them off, along with most of the clan women. No doubt there is even one woman in the village who is sorry to see Laenvan depart so soon ...

Geldeheim is barely three leagues from Seldholm, and the path is well known to most of the band. Before long, they pass through the village of Elgen, and briefly speak with Rolt Taareskeld, a distant cousin of Alegar II who holds this place for him. He has heard that there have been some raids in the fjord over the past few days, including Geldeheim, although he does not know who the raiders were or how extensive the damage has been. With this, the warband picks up the pace.

By mid-morning, the group has reached the outskirts of Geldeheim. The castle and most of the town seem as before. However, as they travel south, it becomes clear that some houses have been burned, and the shipyard destroyed. It looks like this:


The Seld clanhouse is intact, although the building next door - a Jarin clothier named Twenalyn - is not. [GM: For those who might have missed it, the clanhouse is the large building due north of the cluster of four ruined buildings.]
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Postby Ulauf Seld » Wed Nov 16, 2005 6:57 am

As Ulauf and his companions come upon the view of the town Ulauf turns towards the warband and says "I think we now know where those southrons went when they left by boat."

Ulauf already ahead of the group while scouting continues "We should hurry and make our report." With that being said Ulauf breaks into a slow jog and heads towards the clanhouse.
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Postby Laenvan Hawkeye » Wed Nov 16, 2005 9:06 am

As they come near the town Laenvan mutters something about bloody Agrikans before he readies his longbow and notches an arrow without pulling the string. Keeping his place three paces behind Igons left side he watches carefully his surroundings while keeping also an eye on the progress of Ulauf.
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Postby Matt » Wed Nov 16, 2005 9:52 am

The town is going about its business, and the raid clearly took place a couple of days before. There are no fires, and there's a work party clearing debris from the shipyard. Erdrick, a look of fear on his face, mumbles something about his father, and runs towards the shipyard. Some of the townspeople shy away from Laenvan and his bow.

Do you go to the clanhouse or straight to the castle? It's not quite noon.
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Postby Igon Seld » Wed Nov 16, 2005 11:35 pm

A quick stop at the clanhouse to see who's there and get some info, then off to the Keep.
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Postby Matt » Wed Nov 16, 2005 11:48 pm

The expected servants are at the clanhouse, no more.

There is the distant cousin who is in charge - Trella Seld, and the two younger women she keeps as servants, both Jarin (Briane and Kathys).

Equipment and other supplies are left at the clanhouse, and the warband - Igon, Jorst, Ulauf, Laenvan, Sven, and Vagnar - makes its way to the castle. They are received with appropriate deference and led to the Great Hall. Before long, the Princes Raabaas and Meraag enter the hall along with Bjan Drogo.

"Welcome home Selds." says Prince Raabaas. "We would hear of your journey to the north and what intelligence you have for us. Speak!"
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Postby Laenvan Hawkeye » Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:10 am

Seeing that there is no real trouble, at least not yet, Laenvan relaxes a bit and puts bow and arrow away when they reach the clan house.
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Postby Igon Seld » Thu Nov 17, 2005 9:41 am

Matt wrote: Before long, the Princes Raabaas and Meraag enter the hall along with Bjan Drogo.

"Welcome home Selds." says Prince Raabaas. "We would hear of your journey to the north and what intelligence you have for us. Speak!"

(I won't bother re-writing everything that's happened, since it's been done once already, and that I'm at work....)

Igon bows to the Princes Raabaas & Meraag, and then to Drogo.

"My lords, we have grave news...."

Igon proceeds to tell the tale of their journey and leaves nothing out.
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Postby Matt » Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:44 am

The princes listen intently to Igon's tale, their faces clouding with every word. When the priest concludes, Prince Meraag gestures to Bjan saying, "Tell them!"

Drogo bows, and then begins. "Two days ago, two warboats landed on the beach near the shipyard while two more stood off. They were oared by Jarin and were stuffed with Southron soldiers!" The veteran warrior huffs, and then goes on. "They struck just before dawn, timing it perfectly, and their foot soldiers disembarked with cover from archers in the boats. The alarm was raised in the castle, and our spearmen began to man the walls. At first, we thought this an attack, and not just a raid. Before we could react, several buildings had been set ablaze, and the shipyard was in flames. We later learned that Hrothgar Taareskeld - the best shipwright in Orbaal and cousin to the King - was hauled out onto the strand and killed at the orders of the enemy commander. We counted at least forty archers and an equal number of medium foot." He tosses a piece of parchment onto the table. "Their arrogant commander, who stood on the strand until the last of his men were back in the boats, left this attached to a spear stuck in the sand. They were here less than thirty minutes."

The note reads: I owed you the courtesy of a return visit. Westmarch

"Tell us again, Igon Seld," says Prince Meraag. "How many men and how many ships the Southrons have in Tandir and elsewhere."

[GM: Others should feel free to add to the discussion.]
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Postby Igon Seld » Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:01 am

"My Princes... Best guess would be at least 3 companies at Tandir, 2 of MF to HF and 1 company of Longbow..."
Looking uneasy Igon continues...
"That does not count the 3 companies that left by warboat according to Vagnar here... and the Jarin milita that are now in training... All the regualr troops seem to be from the 1st legion."

Turning to his companions... "Did I miss anything kinsmen?"
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Postby Laenvan Hawkeye » Fri Nov 18, 2005 11:40 am

"Your report has been most correct, Lord Igon" dares Laenvan to say. "The only thing who in my eyes is also of note and to be considered is the fact, that at least some of their leaders seem to have magical protection. What other magic devises and if there are even Shek-Pvar, men of Magic, to aid them, we don't know of." Having said his words, Laenvan steps back again.
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Postby Matt » Fri Nov 18, 2005 11:42 am

Prince Meraag stands and moves to the side of the hall and pours mead into a flagon from the table set there. He drinks, and then turns to the face the Selds.

"There were four companies here. Two of medium foot and two of longbow. They must have left at least as much as a garrison at Tandir. And then something at Gyfyn, something at Quiam, and who knows what elsewhere. From Igon's report, we know there are only Jarin at Fjaga, which is good." He looks at Drogo. "That's at least 200 soldiers in the Akag, and likely more. We had almost 700 warriors at the battle, and we were still outnumbered by Thardans. If they left but half their army, with our casualties, they still outnumber us by as much as two to one."

"It is grim, brother," says Prince Raabaas.

"Bjan," continued Meraag. "How many men do the Thardans have? How many can they field in the spring?"

"I do not know, my prince. They say a full-strength Legion is a thousand men, but except for maybe the first of them, I doubt any of their legions reach that number of effectives. But now, even a few hundred men in the right place would be more than we can handle. We have only three companies here over the winter - we could have held off eighty men, but two hundred? Five hundred? A thousand?" The old warrior shakes his head.

Raabaas gestures to the warband. "And what of the magical visitation by this Westmarch? What manner of man is he that he can do such things? Is there more to his bag of tricks? And how many of the Southrons are sorcerors?"
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Postby Igon Seld » Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:31 pm

"I fear I do not know much about such matters my prince. The Deryni bloodline is unknown to me. This Westmarch may be part of it or he may have had a bobble from his King... or maybe he was just good in sneaking around."

Igon mutters..."Maybe I should have tried for his head with IceHammer, even though we be cut down by archers he surely had hidden. At the least he would be dead and Arren out a commander."
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Postby Ulauf Seld » Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:10 pm

Ulauf steps forward. bowing his head says "Your Highness, this threat of magiks would mean that even if we had twice their numbers it would make little difference. They knew we were coming to Fjaga for the first battle, they knew we were coming by boat to Tandir, hence the note left on the spear here. They knew shere we were at Tandir and paid us a visit to show us they knew."

"These magiks are powerful maybe the next foray the Seld warband takes is to try to destroy this magik, but I fear if they know we are coming the mission is destined to fail, like our raid on Tandir was!"

Ulauf pauses and with a look of embarresment on his face continues "Your Highness the only other way the southrons could have known our intentions is if someone in your court is telling them."

Ulauf will try to keep an eye out to gauge peoples reactions to this news and see if anyone looks like they might look a little 'guilty' at this revelation.
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Postby Matt » Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:19 pm

Drogo says to Ulauf, "They came here but two days ago, and it's only one day by boat. It seems to me that this raid was not borne of magic but of your own visit to Tandir. But I think they would have done it anyway if only to destroy the shipyard. We lost the timber, the cordage, and the tools with which to build new ships. This was a major loss to us." He smiles. "I'm curious how you would 'destroy' their magic, Ulauf Seld."
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Postby Ulauf Seld » Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:48 pm

Ulauf blushes "I do not know, but only admit that with my life I would try should you decide that is our fate."

Ulauf steps back behind his cousin. Once again Ulauf has showed how inept he is in the dealings of court. Secretly he wishes he was in the woods again.
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Postby Matt » Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:44 pm

Drogo looks at the princes who say nothing, and then he returns his gaze to Ulauf. "You cannot destroy magic such as this brave warrior. It comes from within them, and is part of their blood. They do not learn it so much as come to understand it. They do not have a code like the Shek Pvar, but there are so few of them that it does not matter. It is said anyone can learn the ways of Pvarism, but one must be born to wield the power of a Deryni. What we don't know is how many are with the Southron armies."

Meraag steps forward, "The idea that there is a spy here has occurred to us as well, but we cannot fathom how that spy moves so fast as to be in two places at once. It's a mystery."
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Postby Laenvan Hawkeye » Sat Nov 19, 2005 3:03 am

Laenvan clears his throat before he steps anew forward. "My lords" he bows. "As to the mystery as how a spy maybe able to move so fast as to be at two places at once, it would be perhaps less a mystery if he uses some kind of magic communication." Laenvan stops for a moment to let his words sink in, then continues. "I myself have never seen something like that, but I have heard rumours that magic devices do exist who allow two people who are more than a month travel away from each other to speak to them as if they would stand near each other. Such devices, as also some legends tell, have often the form of mirrors or crystall balls or bowls who have to be filled with water. But this is only second or even third hand knowledge so I'm not sure how accurate this information is." Getting excited about his own developping idea the halean starts to wander up and down and hesitates to continue but the briefest of a moment. "If... and only if there is a spy among us and only if he is using such a magic device... I don't know how we would be able to recognize it as such if we would find it with the blessing of the Great Slayer and the Lady of Fortune. But then perhaps the gods will stand in this on our side..." With that said he stops his walking and takes up his place again. This inspiration has surely come from his lady and with a silent prayer he thanks her, promising a very special gift to ther.
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Postby Matt » Sun Nov 20, 2005 1:17 pm

Raabaas looks doubtful. "Are we to overturn every basin of water now? I do not believe all this talk of magic. That there may be - even likely is - a spy among us I can believe. But none of you touched this Westmarch so we do not know if he was there in body or just in spirit. You described clothes, a sword, a chain of office. These are not the things of spirits but of men. If there is magic about them, there is nothing we can do about it whether if be from some bauble or from some spell. I say we turn to matters we can affect. What say you Selds? You have seen the Southrons in their stolen lairs. What would you counsel us to do next?"

Prince Meraag adds, "And what can you tell us of Lord Anaka and his warband? They have not returned."
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Postby Igon Seld » Sun Nov 20, 2005 1:49 pm

"Waiting benefits them. I don't know if they plan to reinforce, but If it was me and I planned to take Orbaal I would... I could not trust the Jarin and would deal with them after dealing with us." Igon pauses and takes a breath... "But my Princes we do not have the troops to take action and may well be forced to wait."

"As for Lord Anaka I can not tell you. He was yet hail as were his troops when we parted ways."
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Postby Matt » Sun Nov 20, 2005 5:28 pm

[GM: I'm going to hold off for a bit to give others a chance to post.]
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Postby Matt » Mon Nov 21, 2005 11:48 pm

Bjan Drogo glowers. "We had expected Lord Anaka and his warband back some days ago. We know not what he accomplished or his fate." He pauses. "It is clear to us that you have gathered valuable intelligence from the Akag, although we could have wished for more and even for some strike at the enemy. No matter." He glances at the princes, who nod. "It may be that your services will be needed again soon, and we ask that you stay in Geldeheim. Return to your clanhouse. There shall you be contacted."

With this, the warband is dismissed to return to the Seld clanhouse.

[GM: Please feel free to discuss your next steps in the Seld Warband Moot.]
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