Session Twentythree 28th Nolus - 3rd Larane 720

Where we follow the vicissitudes of a separate viking pHarn Down Under ...

Moderator: Neil

Session Twentythree 28th Nolus - 3rd Larane 720

Postby Neil » Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:29 pm

28th Nolus 720

The rain continues to fall throughout the night.

Tyrne and Mablem and the 3 sailors struggle to rest during the night as the cool weather makes their night uncomfortable without their bedrolls. They find what rest they can sheltered from the rain undereath a tree.

By first light the rain has died off some with only a drizzle now falling as the warband goes about the morning routine. Ashain again communes with his god. WIth no food to prepare the warband quickly pack their gear, hoist Mablem upon his stretcher and head off on their return journey.

The warband decide to follow the coastline for today hoping it will lead them to the village seen yesterday. With Mablem upon the stretcher the warband strain to make headway through the rugged terrain.

The rain continues to drizzle throughout the morning.

They push on till midday where the warband break to rest.

During this break Tyrne decides to practice his art and after some dancing and singing he collapses to the ground exhausted with no visible effect.

Before long the warband once again hoist the stretcher up and continue their journey.

By late afternoon the warband have reached a river which enters the bay. The warband find a small campsite near the inlet. Raan and Tryne decide to gather their fishing gear and see if they can finally gather together a meal for the warband. Kalyn checks the wounded. The infection to Raan’s abdomen has become worse still.

With hunger gnawing at their bellies the fisherman return to the camp after dark with their catch. Several small mackeral provide little more than a morsel for each member.

Tryne once again attempt his arcane art but with little effect. The warband watch on with intrigue as he sings and dances briefly for no more than 10 seconds or so before he collapses to ground.

With hunger still in their bellies the warband rest for the night. The drizzle contines to fall as the warband struggle to rest during the night but their fatigue sees them asleep soon.

29th Nolus 720

The rain has stopped by first light and the warband rise from their slumber slowly.

Taking advantage of the improved weather Tryne borrows Kalyn fishing again and heads off to try his hand at the water again.

Raan is to weak and spends the morning resting and gathering his strength.

Tryne returns several hours later with only a couple of small fish which does little to ease the warbands hunger. The rest of the warband have been trying to decide the best course of action to cross this river and resting while Tryne attempted to fish.

Before leaving Tryne once again attempts to practice his arcane art this time the wound to his arm improves as some of the bruising heals and some of the pain eases as well. Tryne collapses to the ground exhausted but this time there is a slight smile across his face.

They decide to head inland and find a crossing point rather than attempt to cross here at the inlet.

With the rain once again beginning to fall the warband hoist Mablem and his stretcher up and head inland following the rivers course.

With a few hours of daylight left the warband find a tree across a narrow section of the river and what appears to be a beaver’s dam built underneath it.

With this crossing point located Raan marks it’s position as best he can on his map.

Sevral of the warband cross the fallen tree with little difficulty soon it is Mablem’s turn and he dismounts from his stretcher and wearily walks across the treetop with little difficulty. Soon all the warband are across and making their way back to the coastline.

Still among the thickly wooded forest the warband stop before last light. Raan’s infection has become worse dispite Kalyn’s best efforts.

As the warband settle for the night the rain continues to fall on the warband. The group is nothing like the keen spirited group that left Linon several days ago. Most sport various wounds, the clothes are covered in mud and grime, their hair is unkept and the man sport several days growth on their chins.

Tryne once again dances and sings for around 10 seconds before collapsing to the ground exhausted.

Raan laying in his bedroll is getting weaker and weaker from his infection. Turning to Sarajin Raan quietly says “I fear that I might not be worthy of asking for your assistance but I feel my time on this earth is fast drawing to close and I am not ready to let go now. Can you see it in your divine grace to allow me to continue my time here on earth. With your divine wisdom I know you will do what is best. But if my time is here is done then I am ready to join you in Talagaard.” Soon sleep takes him.

The rain continues to fall throught the night.

The warband continue their watch pattern for the night and like the previous nights nothing of note occurs.

Around midnight Tryne feels the need to once again try his arcane art and begins to sing and dance around the campsite and with his efforts wakes 2 of the sailors and Mablem who look at him strangely before telling him “Shut up and get some rest” soon Tryne collapses to the ground exhausted from his efforts.

30th Nolus 720

Raan’s sleep is fitful and filled with visions and he is racked with torment through the night.

The rain has given way to a drizzle during the early morning and by first light the rain has given wayh to a overcast day with a slight wind blowing in from the South West.

The warband are woken and go about their morning routine. Raan looks at his abdomen and finds that while the wound remainsthe infection has healed completely.

“It is a miracle” Raan exclaims as he awakes and the warband soon gather around him to see the infection healed and Raan looking better than the previous day. The warband discuss whether or not it was divine influence or something more mundane to this.

Tryne again dances and sings for around 10 seconds, his falls exhausted to the ground as is usual of late but once again a smile crosses his face as the bruising to his arm heals up completely and the slight pain to goes away.

After a short rest the warband heads back towards the coast.

Around midday the warband are to exhausted to continue and collapse to the ground to rest.

After around an hour, Tryne stands and moves towards Mablem and says “Listen, I know you think me strange with my actions, but I have a talent that could see you off of this stretcher and up and walking sooner. Look,” as he shows Mablem his arm, the bruises having gone completely “What do you think?” Mablem thinks to himself for a moment and then nods his head in agreement “Go on then...”

Tryne stands and goes through his usual machinations and soon one of the wounds has healed completely leaving no scar whatsoever. Mablem looks on in amazement. Tryne sits down exhausted with a sly grin on his face.

Not long after the warband get their gear sorted out and prepare to head off again.

The warband push on during the afternoon and arrive at the coast exhausted, just before last light. With what is left of the day the warband set up a camp while Kalyn sets up a fire and Tryne and Raan head off to see what the ocean might offer them up for a meal. Returning to the camp long after dark the fisherman have little to offer the warband but each member has several mouthfuls of fish cooked over the fire.

Mablem appears to be healing well, over the last few days the wound in his neck has been fighting off a slight infection but it does not appear to worsen and on several occasions appears to have healed up before reappearing later. Kalyn provides aid to the wound which helps fight off the infections.

The warband sets up the usual watch routine with Ashain and Ponerean taking the first watch. The night passes and soon Ashain wakes Tryne and Jelfin to take their turn on watch.....

1st Larane 720

With the weather remaining dry and the temperature cool with a slight breeze blowing in from the South West, Tryne soon wakes up Kalyn and Hargin to take their turn on watch.

The first rays of sunlight are soon seen, another night has passed peacfully.

Soon the warband are awoken and preparations are made to get away again. Tryne once again approaches Mablem with a proposal to see him up and about quicker, after seeing the results of Trynes first effort Mablem consents and soon the wound to his neck heals up a little instead of a 6 inch gash along his neck the wound was now only around 3 inches in lenght and no scar could be seen from the healed wound.

With the warband weary from hunger they once again head off in search of the village on the other side of the bay.

By midday the warband once again collapse by the coast exhausted if not for the water gathered in the streams and creeks that the warband have crossed they might well have not made it this far.

The warband rest for an hour or so before heading off once again.

By the end of the day the warband have made slow progress and only covered a few kilometres. The warband can see the end of their march only several kilometres ahead of them, but fatigue and darkness prevent them from pushing on, so reluctantly they make camp just short of their objective.

Mablem’s wounds are healing well with only the wound to his neck remaining. Feeling better he informs the warband that he should be well enough to walk tomorrow.

The warband sets up the usual watch routine for the night.

Nearing midnight during Tryne’s and Jelfin’s watch a noise can be heard near their camp. Both men tense up and strain to listen for any further sounds. Soon the sounds of irregular footfalls and the noise of rutling undergrowth is picked up.

Tryne crawls over to Raan and wakes him up saying “There is something out there...” pointing out into the darkness. Raan remains still for a moment listening for any sounds at all. “There it is again....” says Tryne. Raan remains unconvinced of anything being out there.

Tryne is sure that he has heard something so Raan stands and grabs his spear and heads out into the darkness. A worried look is on the faces of Tryne and Jelfin as Raan disappears into the night.

Raan has advanced some 20’ or so when both he and a pig are startled by each others company as the pig scampers off into the night once again leaving the warbands camp surrounded in silence. Raan soon falls asleep again leaving Tryne and Jelfin to keep watch again.

2nd Larane 720

With a new day dawning the warband can see their objective ahead. With a cool morning and the sky hidden by clouds and a mild breeze blowing in from the South West.

Early morning sees the warband break out from the wooded terrain that has been their companion for the last several days and enter pasture and fields. As they journey towards the village several Jarin villagers are seen most appear to be weeding the crops while one or two are seen repairing a fence line.

By mid morning the warband straggle into a small village of not more than 10-12 dwellings with perhaps the same number of smaller out buildings.

As they near the centre of the village they can see several wooded configurations at the far end of the waterline on which several fishing nets can be seen hanging.

As they enter the village proper Tryne calls out “Can anyone aid us?” A Jarin women pokes her head out of her dwelling and seeing the rough appearance of the warband approaches cautiously while several other Jarin look on. The women appears to be in her early thirties.

“We are hungry and need food can you spare some for us, we have coin, good women.” asks Tryne. The women nods and disappears inside her dwelling reappearing a short time later with a tray and 8 bowls of a very weak broth and several peices of bread. “I hope this will do, master Ivinain. It is all I have.” says the Jarin. Tryne eyes wide with anticipation answers “Indeed, this shall do spendidly.” No sooner have the bowls been shared around, than the warband greedily hoe into the meal.

The women looks on with interest. Other Jarin are beginning to gather around at the new comers. Murmurs can be heard among the onlookers but the warband are to interested in their meal to worry.

Soon Raan looking up from his empty bowl asks “Is there any more?’ The women takes his bowl and begins to turn around to gather another helping for Raan when the other members of the warband all hand their bowls over to the women to be refilled as well. The women with a sad look on her face goes back inside her dwelling and reappears with a second helping for each of the warband.

Once the warband have finished their meal they hand the empty bowls back to the women and Mablem hands the women 2 silver pennies. She takes the coin without comment and nods her head in thanks before asking permission to leave. “Before you go, women, where can we wash up?” asks Tryne. The women points to a well in the centre of the village square. With a nod the warband make their way to the well.

Soon with food in their bellies the warband set to to wash up and clean themselves up. Stripping down they all take turns drawing water from the well and washing themselves and then their clothes with the water.

After nearly and hour the warband except for Mablem and Tryne have washed and changed into their spare clothing while their other clothes hang to dry. Mablem and Tryne on the other hand with no spare clothes stand around and wait for their clothies to dry in the under garments.

Raan sensing and opportunity to gather some information finds a passing Jarin and with Ashain assistance finds out the name of the village they are in is Vyrwarn and that this village is a satellite village of Linon. Tyrne asks to speak with the village Reeve only to discover that the Reeve is in Linon about an hours walk from here.

Filling in these details on his map Raan thanks the Jarin for his assistance before bidding him farewell.

With their clothes now dry Mablem and Tryne dress themselves and the warband decide to make for Linon this afternoon.

A warm afternoon with a mild breeze blows a cool wind onto the faces of the warband as they make their way to Linon.

By late afternoon the warband arrive at the now familiar village of Linon. They soon make their way to the thranaal of clan Hodan and after disarming themselves they are shown into the main hall. Soon Ardin Dellakar meets with the warband and they tell him the tale of what has transpired these last days since leaving Linon.

Ardin listens on intently. His expression changes to one of sadness on hearing of the loss of Loraan Hodan.

When they conclude their story Ardin now adds to what has happened here while they were gone. The most frightening piece of news is that there might yet be a second 2 headed beast on the island. Once the warband had left the village they had question the rescued sailor some more and he seemed certained that there was a second beast aboard the vessel. The other 3 sailors with the warband are not certain themselves but they thought that there was only one aboard when the vessel foundered.

Raan taking his map out shows Ardin the area where the river crossing was marked and asks if he is aware of such a crossing point, Ardin nods his head in agreement “Indeed, if the location you describe is correct that would be Bjern’s crossing, it is used frequently by Loraan.” Ardin pauses briefly “was used frequently by Loraan....” his voices trails off.

“My Valhakar would wish to talk to these men” as Ardin leads the 3 sailors off, “stay awhile if you wish and rest up some.” he offers the warband before departing the hall with the 3 sailors.

The warband hang around the hall for awhile trying to decide what to do next, when Ardin reappears when he notices the warband standing around he approaches and says “Valhakar Hodan has invited you to stay tonight, we will celebrate the life of Loraan and as you were the last one’s with him it would be good if you could recount his last moments of glory.” The warband nod their heads in agreement “We will be honoured to pay such tribute to him.” replies Mablem.

The warband spends the last hours of daylight preparing themselves for the coming festivities.

Just after dark the members of clan Hodan plus other local clans begin to gather in the main hall. Extra tables have been erected to accomodate the extra guests for tonights farewell.

Soon the ale begins to flow and the food platters are passed from clansmen to clansmen. The warband soon have their fill of the food and ale except for Kalyn and Ashain who have more than their fare share of ale during the night. Many a time one of the warband are asked to retell the story of Loraan and the battle in the cave against such fearsome foes.

As the warband mingle amongst the crowd in the hall tthey overhear several conversations regarding the taking of salvage from the crippled vessel, most of the men indicate that they made a little money on the venture but some say they found more than enough to see a tidy profit when they resell the items recovered. Other stories tell of the rumour that a second 2 headed beast still roams the island and is looking for vengance against the ones who killed it’s companion.

With the night still young a handsome young Ivinian takes a place by young Kalyn and begins to make small talk. Meanwhile Raan, Mablem and Ashain are caught up in the merriment and are belting out such tunes as they can remember. Tryne sits back watching this new interloper dubious as to this young mans intentions with ‘their’ sheildmaiden.

The young man stands some 5’4” tall, his lithe frame, red hair, blue eyes and dark skin (dark for an Ivinian) make him appear rather handsome. This stranger introduces himself as Haldas Hodan a skald and nephew of the Valhakar.

As he makes polite conversation with Kalyn who is now becoming more drunk, Tryne interjects himself into the conversation.

Soon Haldas is called up to perform and with lute in hand he strums out a saga recalling the battle of Fornin and the parts played by all the heroes. As he recalls the exploits of clan Ragan there is mention of one Kalyn Jalten savior of the Ivinian flank guard and destroyer of the Jarin rebellion. Kalyn on hearing this hides her face in embarrasement. Once Haldas has finished this saga the assembled crowd applaude loudly showing their appreciation for his talent.

Haldas is called upon on several other occassions to perform but he soon finds his way back to Kalyn’s table. Tryne has gathered his companions together and told them of this letch and now they all stand guard like old crones over their sheildmaiden.

In one of the fleeting moments where Haldas has Kalyn alone he says “I fear they do not trust me or you for that matter...” Indicating the other members of the warband less Ashain who is now sitting at a table with other members of clan Hodan singing along with them a tankard of ale still in his grasp “The night is warm and beckons us, would you care to join me in a stroll ‘neath the night sky.” Haldas asks politely. “Not this night Haldas for I fear I have had too much to drink and my exertions over the last several days have left me much to exhausted, but I thank you none the less for your offer.”

With those words Haldas apologises for keeping her away from slumber and bids her goodnight. Hoping that he will see her again on the morrow.

With the life of Loraan Hodan remember and stories of his deeds told and retold it is soon time for the celebration to end and one by one the guests leave the hall to return to their own dwellings. Jarin clear the hall quickly once the last guests have left allowing the warband a place to sleep at last.

Soon the warband with their bellies full are asleep and resting soundly.

3rd Larane 720

The weather remains pleasant during the night with a slight breeze blowing in from the south. The temperature remains warm and the clouds allow most of the stars to filter through

The warband awoken by the thran staff as the bedding is cleared away and room made for the setting up of the tables and benches for the morning meal.

Soon the warband are sitting down with the other members of the Hodan clan and guests enjoying a meal of porridge, dried fruits and several ales.

Haldas again approaches Kalyn during the meal “I see you are a little under the weather this morning.” Kalyn looking a little under the weather replies “I fear I had too much to drink last night.” Haldas nodding in agreement says “I think you did, perhaps we might yet have that walk together soon anywayl I hope you feel better soon.” With that he turns and leaves the warband to finish their meal.

With Mablem’s and Trynes backpacks stolen during the raids in the cave they find themselves without most of their personal belongings and spend the morning going about obtaining new items.

By midday they have bought for themselves new backpacks, blankets and other assorted personel items. Tryne has also purchased a cooking pot.

Still feeling full from their morning meal the warband forego the midday meal altogther. The warband arrange to speak Ardin and see if the Valhakar wishes them to chase down this mysterious second creature. They are told that there is not much to go and with conflicting stories coming from sailors the Valhakar will wait and see what transpires before taking any futher action. So the warband make plans on what course of action they should take next. They decide that they might try their hand at collecting salvage to make some cash.

It is late afternoon and warband decide that they should seek accomodation at an inn for tonight and set out in search of salvage tomorrow.

The warband leave Linon and head out towards the small Jarin village of Tirdatr. It is only a short journey to the village finding the inn ‘The Falcon’s Rest’ the warband enter the small building to find seveal Jarin locals enjoying some of the home brewed ales.

The inn is dimly lit but several rush lights and the hearth fire is low considering the warm evening, the inn door is chocked open along with the inn’s windows allowing the slight evening breeze to blow through.

The warband are quickly shown to a table where the innkeeper quickly flashes a stern look to Raan before heading off to fill the warbands order. The warband soon arrange for accomodation and food for the night. Raan’s ‘acquaintance’ from his previous visit is busy serving other tables and she appears to avoid making any contact with the warbands table during the night.

After enjoying a weak broth, some bread and dried fruits and berries the warband have several ales each taking care to not to over indulge and before long the innkeeper has called “Last drinks...” and the inn clears while the inn staff arrange the tables and benches to make room on the inn floor for their guests.

The warband unroll their sleeping gear and before long they are sound asleep.
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