Session Eight - June 14, 2003

Wherein the ongoing story of the FtF campaign may be found ...

Session Eight - June 14, 2003

Postby Matt » Thu Sep 16, 2004 5:52 pm

The Road of Pariahs

Names of Note:

Sir Auram Graver – Inquisitor General of Tharda.

Gwahneyr – Trehaen (Jarin mayor) of Lorkin.

Geldestaar – Lord of Lorkin, killed in single combat by Lord Morgan.

Para – One of Morgan’s minions, blonde. Attractive but has cold eyes, black pupils with no sparkle. Is totally devoted to Morgan.

Alegar – King of Orbaal.

Eamonn Marwyn – Prince of Leriel, murdered Navek 30.

Eagan Marwyn – Grandson of Prince of Leriel, Alegar has refused to confirm his acceding to the title.

Pethwys – Castle.

Sir Flavius – Healer who works for Morgan, elderly man. Deryni and Shek P’var of the Savoryan branch. From Cherafir. Rare man to do both arts but healer is very rare.

Kelen 2, 730

Our session begins in the newly seized castle of Lorkin. At this point we are feeling pretty good about ourselves. We decide to broach the subject of our future with Morgan as soon as possible. He is not in the castle when we go and look for him so we wander outside. We find Morgan in full armor on his horse in the village square. He is overseeing the Aengesa execution of every Ivinian in town, being done by beheading. He tells us that he will talk to us about the future during the victory celebration tonight. We decide that it would be better for our stomachs if we leave the square. We go and see the Trehaen, the old Jarin mayor who seems to be totally ignored by the new regime. He tell us that he thinks everybody (except the Jarin) should just row away and not come back. He tells us to inform Morgan of this too. I would not want to bet on this outcome.

When we return to the castle, Sir Arlen engages one of Morgan’s knights in conversation. We find his name is Sir Brudeth, a knight bachelor from Tharda with no prospects of gaining an estate through family means and must fend for himself. His home is Ithiko in Rethem. He was involved in the fight at the town gate, which he says was difficult but Elena was very helpful. None of Morgan’s troops were killed in the attack, some were wounded but nothing serious.

Before the evening festivities, we discuss what the attack on Orbaal could mean. We know that Tharda already rules over half of the civilized human population. We think that this is the opening gambit of increasing the percentage. We then go into dinner. There are no Jarin there this time, Morgan’s people only. Only two new people are here, an older man and a woman. The man is Sir Flavius, a Deryni healer in the employ of Morgan. These are very rare. The woman is Para, a cold-eyed blonde. Morgan himself is wearing a platinum circlet on his head (once again setting off thoughts of Arren I). While at dinner, Para gives Morgan current news about Leriel. The Prince of Leriel, Eamonn Marwyn, has been killed under what are mysterious conditions on Navek 30. The rumor is that this was done by an Ivinian but this is false. Although I do not believe she directly confesses to the deed, she gives a strong indication. After this tragic occurrence, the King of Orbaal, Alegar I, refuses to name his son to succeed him. This has caused two of the Jarin keeps to go into what is essentially rebellion. Alegar has moved to besiege the castle, which has no well inside so the prospects are not great. Pethwys, another keep, has joined in this revolt.

Our entertainment is provided by Polgar, who has composed “The Ballad of Shese” for his master. He has also managed to work in the rope throw, although not attributed by name. The final act of the celebration is Morgan showing his appreciation for the work done. The men get bags containing 100d, the knights get larger sacks. To the party he gives the following: Imarë gets a 6c. uncut emerald. Ardeth gets a book, complete to clasp with four Fyvrian spells inside. Dwilith gets an astrolabe of brass. Dascomb gets a hunting horn with a scene of a wild boar hunt. Bevan gets six arrows and a quiver. Sir Arlen is given a bastard sword with an engraved blade which is much nicer than the one he currently carries. Morgan retires with his three ladies for the evening (we will talk in the morning).

Kelen 3-13, 730

In the morning we go to see Lord Morgan, who is doing paperwork with Para, who is shown deference by the other women. We are told to complete the mission for Sir Auram Graver, at least to give him a report of what we have seen here (no reference to Morgan or anyone who might work for him however). The Aenghysa, with the advice and council of one Lodros has taken three castles in Orbaal. We are on the way to deliver a message to the head of the temple of Save K’nor in Cherafir. The message is non-verbal for one Obiris of Ueld, the highest ranking priest of Save K’nor on Harn. When we bring him the object he will attempt to read our minds so we will all be shielded by Morgan and that the priest will try to get what knowledge he can but will not hurt anyone.

To do these missions, we get our biggest prize, a nivik. The boat is 36’ in length and has holes for oars but has no cabins. We will be provided with food for ourselves and a minimal crew (provided by Morgan) to Cherafir. The crew will be paid by him until this point also. We rename the boat Selata and hire on crew in addition to those provided by Morgan, ending up with 11 (in addition to ourselves).

Before we leave we are what we call “mind shellacked” by Morgan and Para. We find we are compelled and repelled by Para, a cold personality who is so devoted to Morgan that she would do whatever he asked (I think there are many in his entourage who would do the same). After we are protected against having our minds read, we are ready to leave. Dascomb rejoins us, looking much better and we leave on the morning tide of Kelen 6. We arrive in the Alienage of Cherafir on Kelen 13.

While here, in addition to delivering what turns out to be a cube, we have to procure papers for our nivik (last transfer was by blood). A man named Fobin offers to get us a new title for 132d. Our primary mission here is not what the group would consider a stellar success. While the message is delivered, we are looked down upon by Obiris, who seems quite put out by our service to Morgan. He tells us that Morgan is a follower of Naveh (Thief of Heaven) while he worships Save K’nor. The ones who deliver the cube are thrown out as “servants of a dead man” (let our discussion of Arren I resume). Obiris and his followers seem to suffer real pain from the cube which is delivered.

This is where we ended up the session. I do not know if we are being treated like every other alien in Cherafir or if we are being treated worse due to our association with Morgan (aka? Arren I). This remains to be seen. I think it would have been better to get our new registration before we delivered the message. It might be a good idea to get out of here as fast as possible, but this could be my paranoia talking.
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