Session Twelve - Unofficial Preview

Wherein the ongoing story of the FtF campaign may be found ...

Session Twelve - Unofficial Preview

Postby Matt » Thu Sep 16, 2004 6:08 pm

Unoffical Preview …

Nolus 8, 730

We arrive at Heroth and the home of the well known Theron Palliser on Nolus 8 in the afternoon. The reunion of Bevan and Trilime is less than enthusiastic but the little girl warms up to Bevan eventually, which does not seem to please the nanny. We have dinner in Theron’s house but the great man does not attend personally. The party has a private audience later in the evening to discuss what has gone on in the past several months. His best advice about Lord Morgan is that we should not mention him at all. He seems familiar with who he is although there seems to be no love lost between them (or Arren II either). A commission has been offered to him three times for a position in the government and he has declined twice and plans to do so again (for those who happened to write down what this preeminent position was please share with those of us who were asleep at the switch). [GM: Master of the Esoteric Arts] We begin to see Bevan’s problem with her father, he is demanding and yet belittling all at the same time. The party announces that we will be continuing on to Coranan on the next day.

Nolus 9, 730

In the morning we leave and later that day we arrive at the capital. We go to the Tabard & Hearth for accommodations and we all decide to stay together because of the last debacle in Aleath. The innkeeper is a man named Anders, who seems to know and be friendly to Bevan. We go into the common room for dinner that evening and Anders tells us we will like the entertainment. We are simply floored when the song sung seems to be about the Palliser family! After the song, the minstrel comes over to our table and introduces himself as Ewen of Ravinargh (as Matt goes over to the TV and there he is in the mythical realm of North Carolina).

While in conversation we find out that he has been commissioned to sing this particular song to Bevan. The commission came several months ago, on Nuzyael 7 to be precise. He does not know the identity of the man who hired him and can only give a description only having met him twice. It turns out that Ewen is a Halean and was approached by a smaller man with reddish brown hair. He spoke with an eastern Harnic accent, a Jarin lilt to be precise. He himself was a trained minstrel and taught Ewen this song. He offered a large commission to sing to Bevan in particular and that she would know what it meant. If Ewen failed to sing this song as soon as Bevan arrived, he would know and suitably vague things would happen to him. The second meeting occurred on Nuzyael 10. To keep all in perspective, our adventures at the Trobridge Inn happened on Nuzyael 21 (according to my notes). He wore expensive clothing and his cloak was clasped with a pin made up of three heraldic diamonds (mascles) which were made of silver.

Nolus 10, 730

We meet for breakfast the next morning. Imarë and Ewen are to go to the College of Heralds to find out as much as we can about the reign of King Andasin I and how a Palliser might be involved (determined due to the “new forged realm” line). Sir Arlen decided to go and visit the Temple of Larani (Order of the Checkered Shield). Bevan is to head out to Sir Auram Graver in order to complete her mission. Imarë and Ewen go to the Heralds only to find to get any information will be expensive and time consuming (at least a minimum of 100d for an answer in a few weeks if at all). Ewen offers to visit the library in the Harpers College for information and we decide that this is the best course of action. Sir Arlen is not able to join in any organized ceremony but is able to pray.

Bevan goes to see Sir Auram Graver. He is a tall, thin, gaunt man (wiry) in his late 40’s. He is to all appearances a Deryni. He has silvery white hair and has blue eyes (the majority of Deryni we have seen have gray eyes). He wears a silken worsted robe. He has never been seen to carry a conspicuous weapon. She gives him the Morgan version of events in Orbaal. She also informs him of the song played for her the prior night but he does not seem overly concerned. He asks if she will stay around for awhile and offers her the use of his estate upriver if she needs some relaxation. He has his assistant give her a tally-stick redeemable for 1200d. Sir Arlen, Ardeth and Imarë are each given 200d of this and Bevan keeps the rest.
In the late afternoon Ewen returns from his research at the Harpers College. This is what he was able to find. The Kingdom of Kanday was the successor of the Theocracy of Tekhos. In the Theocracy thousands of people were impaled. The nobility either embraced or fled from the zealots. A noble named Eladas of Kand was opposed to the Theocracy but did not flee. He also was impaled. His son was Andasin. In 588 the Theocracy collapsed and Andasin proclaimed the Kingdom of Kanday with himself as Andasin I. In 598 he attacked Edino and Taklar was killed during the attack. The end of resistance seems to have been by the Morgathian Lords of Dyrisa which surrendered after a three month siege in which the overlord of the town was murdered. In 624 Andasin declined into senility due to old age and he died in 627 and was succeeded by his grandson who became Andasin II.

There was no mention in any of the references of a Palliser involved in the court of Andasin I. The party decides that the thing to do is get a family history from Theron (being so close). Imarë takes only time to buy a toy for Trilime and Sir Arlen, Ewen and Imarë head off to Heroth once more. We arrive and talk to Theron who says that his great great grandfather was Sir Theron Palliser and got his land from Andasin I. Alarmed at the precipitous arrival of the party, he decides that the song is a threat to his daughter and decides to go to Coranan as quickly as possible to save her.

When we arrive back at the city, Theron heads to the Tabard &Hearth also where he seems to regularly stay. We decide to advance in several directions. Ewen will go to the Temple of Halea and get as much information about the man who hired him there as possible. Sir Arlen will go to the Temple of Larani to offer the same donation to the goddess since both he and Theron are adherents and he does not feel right in giving money to Halea. Theron will approach the College of Heralds. The party decides to watch both of the Pallisers just in case there would be an attack. No one bothers either father of daughter that evening.

During the night a meeting is observed on the first floor. Anders has a meeting with a six foot tall massively built man with dark red hair (not Ewen’s benefactor). He wears a cloak of dark brown or black. He has an average appearance but does have a livid scar his right cheek. Anders is deferential and calls him Lord. A blonde man we have seen before is also in on this meeting, which then moves into the kitchen and is lost. Attempts to follow lead to wrong doors, drunks, and wardens. The scene is comical in an unintended fashion.

Nolus 11, 730

Sir Arlen decides that the best course of action is direct and sits down at the table with the blonde man, who is there for breakfast again. He says his name is Parmen of Merros but will say nothing else about himself. He is fairly rude to Sir Arlen but under the circumstances it might be understandable. After this, Bevan decides to have a chat with Anders. He says he knows Parmen but what their business was is none of Bevan or Theron's business. The conversation gets quite heated and Bevan threatens Anders if she finds he is lying. Anders nearly throws the entire group out of the Inn.

Imarë and Ewen head to the Temple of Halea to question Xandia a priestess. She takes the offering and conducts a “service” for Imarë and Ewen, which Imarë finds no fun at all. All we find is that the man came in with Cyzor of Udirel, a noted jeweler.

Theron goes to the College of Heralds which contains all the records for the territory now in the Kingdom of Tharda (including Kanday) and he spends a whole lot of money to get same day answers. He finds the same information about the death of Andasin I that Ewen did at the Heralds. There is no evidence that Sir Theron was an advisor to King Andasin. The man who was is named Lord Cassean (the Earl of Heroth) Sinel Cassean. He was created the first Earl in 622 and was followed by four generation of descendants. The last in the line was killed in 725 at the Battle of the Norea Plain and his name was also Sinel.

After he gets the information, Theron returns to the Tabard & Hearth where everything that has transpired was relayed to him. He informed us that Anders does not own the Inn, that the real owner is not known and the people seen were probably in connection with this. The party is then informed that the song represents no danger to his daughter as there is no evidence it is more than a prank and that he will be heading home in the morning. Neither decision makes any sense to the group, there was nothing overtly threatening in the song, and nothing we have learned since makes it not one if it was in the beginning. Theron seems to have some sort of mood disorder.

The group awaits the morning and the decision of what to do next.
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