Session Thirteen - January 10, 2004

Wherein the ongoing story of the FtF campaign may be found ...

Session Thirteen - January 10, 2004

Postby Matt » Thu Sep 16, 2004 6:11 pm

Nolus 13, 730 TR

The party is again in the common room of the Tabard and Hearth in Coranan, breaking their fast and debating, in hushed tones, the significance of the song King Andasin’s Feast, as well as other issues of larger political significance. The Earl of Heroth’s demise on the Norea Plain, the subsequent extinction of that earldom, and the prior establishment of Heroth as a royal castle by Arren I is referenced, and it is noted that the Earl of Daenshire is presently responsible for the region wherein the castle lies. The discussion has run its course by 10 am, however, when a young lad arrives with a written message for Ewen of Ravinargh from Theron Palliser. Ewen tips the boy a penny and sends him on his way; the message indicates that a private party is to be held on the following evening at the Capstan and Hook Inn in Theron’s honor. The individual throwing the party for Theron is named Teldar of Verdolas, and Ewen is explicitly instructed by Theron to “pad the bill.”

Ewen departs for Harpers Hall to retain musicians suitable for the commission. Sir Arlen Selaty is recalled to the fact that he remains in arrears to the tune of a 180d donation to the Temple of Larani, and he decamps with Imarë Taërsi’s 30d contribution to the cause in hand. He places the funds in the care of Rafe of Gristam, Matakea at the Temple, and spends the remainder of the day honing his swordplay amongst likeminded adherents of that most martial of deities. Bevan Palliser embarks upon a pleasant day of shopping, finding little to her liking at a hideworker but purchasing a new dagger at the shop of Gragor of Rodel, weaponcrafter. Ardeth of Kerryn and Imarë wander over to the southern precincts of the city and take in some of the afternoon’s entertainment at the arena. They are treated to combat by matched champions in the old Thardic style, followed by displays of prowess by adherents of that other most martial of deities, Agrik. Diminutive Gargun captives, armed only with clubs and slaughtered wholesale by the Agrikan warriors, round out the spectacle nicely, although the parsimonious twosome refrain from gambling upon any of the events.

At the Tabard and Hearth that evening, Theron joins the group and explains the upcoming feast in greater detail. Teldar is evidently a Fyvrian Shenava who aspires to Viran status and is lobbying for Theron’s endorsement, but it is clear that Bevan’s father is scornful of the man’s qualifications, deriding his sycophantic attempt to curry favor via the feast. Theron is pleased to hear that Ewen has retained three other harpers and plans to charge a fairly outrageous 120d for the performance.

Nolus 14, 730 TR

The group again go their separate ways this morning, with Sir Arlen returning to the Temple to pray. Ardeth learns that Revan, an herbologist and member of the chantry who is prone to dressing in richly dyed blues, is to be invited to this evening’s fete. Bevan spends some of her day about the town, and at one point upon passing Impaler’s Gate spots Ewen apparently coming out of an inn, The Stake, and heading south in the general direction of his residence. She asks him about this later that evening, but at the time Ewen suggests that it might be unwise to discuss the topic in public.

At the Capstan and Hook, the party for Theron is held in a private room with about a half-dozen guests, our own group, and a number of courtesans. Attendees include Theron, of course, Teldar the host, the aforementioned Revan, an unidentified gentleman who gets extremely drunk and later passes out, and Parmen of Merros. Ewen’s group, comprising Pelisa of Thoff (harp), Askill of Hetton (drums) and Gosford of Fincham (percussion) play various pieces throughout, the highlight being the debut of Ewen’s new arrangement of a Harnic traditional, The Maid and the Laranian, which is received with approbation by Teldar. The hostess Elwene circulates periodically, and we learn that Parmen of Merros is an alchemist. Sir Arlen finds himself a courtesan and retires for the evening, and afterwards apparently assuaging his conscience by leaving 5d with Elwene to provide a room for the unconscious inebriate. Ewen collects his stipulated fee from a blanching Teldar, who conveniently forgets his rash promise of a bonus, and Ewen pays the other three performers 22d apiece for their services.

Nolus 15, 730 TR

The Laranians in the group attend Soratir at the Temple, enhancing the piety of all adherents save for Sir Arlen, fresh from his evening of debauchery. The party learns from Elwene that the drunk from the evening before, one Jond of Karin, had failed to avail himself of Arlen’s hospitable reservation of the room at the Capstan and Hook, insisting instead upon leaving when he awoke from his stupor. At noon all congregate at the Tabard and Hearth, where Theron attempts one last time to convince Bevan to return to Heroth before departing for home himself. Sir Arlen and Ardeth wander over to the Doria Palace, where the college of Arcane Arts is presently housed. Bevan and Dascomb visit Sir Auram Graver, who cross-examines her regarding her father’s reticence in accepting the proffered position of Master of the Esoteric Arts, which Theron intends to decline for the third time. Graver encourages Bevan to assist in securing Theron’s acceptance of the position, but she is frankly dubious of the prospects. Bevan is invited to avail herself of Sir Auram’s manorial hunting estate at Kennen for a tenday’s hunting, and she graciously accepts.

Nolus 16-26, 730 TR

The party spends time enjoying the amenities at Kennen, a short jaunt east from Coranan on the north bank of the Thard. Boar hunting, hawking, sparring and hunting with the bow are the order of business at this well-provisioned, pastoral hunting estate. They learn that Sir Auram’s achievement is distinguished by four silver stags heads, quartered, on a blue field. The time passes without adverse incident.

Nolus 27, 730 TR

The party returns to Coranan and assembles at the Tabard and Hearth at noon. The obligatory political discussion focuses upon the breadth of clan Parkhurst’s influence upon Hârn. The discussion of dynastic issues includes mention of the clan Dariune, the head of which is the Earl of Balim (the “Spider Earl”) whose family married into clan Parkhurst, with the greater point being that two branches of Parkhurst blood have established a growing stranglehold over the entirety of the island, even to the point of attaining influence via this marriage within the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Sir Arlen asks Ewen for a recommendation for an inn in town catering to well-placed fighting men, and the Scroll and Quill is suggested as fitting the bill. Bevan and Sir Arlen proceed to said establishment, where they dine lavishly upon a sumptuous fare which strains the impecunious knight’s resources while suiting Bevan’s means and appetite more precisely. Sir Arlen converses with Rafe of Gristam and some other Laranians at a nearby table, learning of an upcoming high mass in which the three high-ranking Deryni Laranians are to preside, as well as the fact that the King and Lord Marshal recently marched to Shostim, explaining his noted recent absence in Coranan. Sir Arlen is also apprised of interesting rumors about Arren II’s intention to create a new Laranian fighting order, the Order of the Checkered Shield having weathered the vicissitudes of recent political events with rather indifferent success, their loyalty to the crown coming under some scrutiny, perhaps due to residual taint deriving from its historical affiliation with the house of Kand and a certain slowness in accepting the change of regime. While the Checkered Shield is judged by the Laranians at the table as being in little danger of outright dissolution, perhaps, they appear resigned to the notion that the time is deemed right by the King for new blood to be injected into the greater Laranian sphere of influence. They also, however, acknowledge having been scandalized at Arren II allowing the loathed Agrikans to return to legal status in Tharda, while grudgingly acknowledging that this has furthered the immediate interests of peace and is thus popular among the people. Sir Arlen assures Father Rafe that he remains at the disposal of the order should his aid be of any assistance, and returns to Bevan’s table in time to witness the arrival of a wealthy family of four at the inn, who are shown to a table with great deference. The patriarch of the family is in his 40s, fit, with closely cropped hair in the Republic style, while his wife wears her hair up in a commensurately Thardic coiffure.

Curiosity piqued, Bevan decides to ply the two younger men, evidently sons of the older couple, with a bottle of extremely expensive wine, and is invited to join the brothers while their parents retire from the table. She learns that they are the sons of Sir Barane Khonary, and older brothers to the dowager queen Meghann Khonary, Arren I’s third wife. After imbibing the seventeen year old Trierzi ambrosia, the younger son, Sir Moran, leaves the field to his elder brother, Sir Barane the Younger, with a gratuitous derogation of Bevan as his parting shot. Unfazed, the remaining knight proceeds with his wooing of Bevan, who leads him on shamelessly and succeeds in having two further bottles of the precious vintage brought to the table at Khonary’s expense. The primary topic of conversation proves to be the young dowager queen, and the apparently smitten brother tells the tale of his sister’s marriage to Arren I and offers to introduce Bevan to Queen Meghann. Bevan also learns that the Khonary family holds 14,000 acres of land and is therefore de facto of baronial status in all but name. Eventually Sir Barane the Younger agrees to walk Bevan to the Tabard and Hearth, but his hopes for the evening’s denouement are dashed when a watchful Dascomb appears and Bevan elects to dismiss her new swain before the inn is attained.

Nolus 28, 730 TR

Bevan and Sir Arlen are discommoded today following their late evening at the Scroll and Quill. Parmen of Merros approaches Ardeth, Imarë, and Ewen this morning in the Tabard and Hearth common room. This occurs after the large, red-headed man with a scar on his right cheek, who was with Parmen and was referred to as “my Lord” by Anders on the 11th of Nolus, entered the common room and ascended the stairs directly. Parmen claims grave concern for his friend, Jond of Karin, who evidently has not been seen since he staggered from the Capstan and Hook late in the night of Theron’s fete. He states that Jond’s workshop was a mere block away from the Capstan and Hook, explaining perhaps why the apothecary failed to avail himself of the room at the inn paid for by Sir Arlen, but begging the question as to why he never made it home. The group recalls that a figure almost accosted them upon their own departure from the feast that night, but instead melted back into the shadows. When they ask Parmen what Jond’s son, who inherits the franchise, makes of the disappearance, Parmen awkwardly acknowledges that he has not spoken to Jond, which arouses the group’s suspicions regarding Parmen’s story. Parmen does state that Jond specialized in healing herbs, and that some of his clientele made expeditions into the hinterlands. The three adventurers proceed to the apothecary’s shop and interview Jond’s son and protégé, who now stands behind the counter. The son at first seems a bit glib in dismissing his father’s disappearance twelve days ago, but further questioning elicits his marked skepticism at Parmen’s claimed concern for the missing Jond. The son states that the two were competitors, and mistrusts Parmen’s story, stating that the man’s words cannot be relied upon. He admits that he feels unready to take on his father’s business, and explains that he has received little assistance from the authorities in his inquiries about his father.

Some sharp interrogation from Ardeth gets the group summarily thrown out of the shop, but Imarë and Ewen return and ply the youth with deferential apologies, which yield some success and the younger apothecary cautiously accepts their offer of assistance. Ewen impresses upon the son the need for the party to be made privy to records of the missing Jond’s recent business transactions, and the son agrees to pull together a list of recent clientele. They also inquire about business associates of Jond, and learn that Teldar invited Jond to the party for Theron. The group, predictably enough, returns to the common room of the Tabard and Hearth.
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