Halane 2, 730 - The Fjaga Pass

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Halane 2, 730 - The Fjaga Pass

Postby Matt » Fri Oct 21, 2005 8:48 am

As the night passed, each member of the warband reflected on the past few days. Certainly, a bit of pipeweed helped concentrate the thoughts, and the break in the rain was equally welcome. The clouds even parted enough for an occasional glimpse at Yael, just now reborn for the new month.

Save for one moment when Igon thought he heard something - an investigation revealed only a surprised small animal who quickly darted away - the night passed without incident. In the morning, there proved enough of the goat left over to add to their breakfast of hard cheese and harder, it seemed, bread. Someone joked that they should have milked the goat before eating it, and the laughter at the poor attempt at humor reflected more relief from tension than any intrinsic mirth.

They looked towards the pass. It had been raining for much of the past two days, and they knew that the road, hard though it would be dry, would be much more difficult slogging through mud. Further, should they meet anyone, it might be impossible to avoid a confrontation. Not a month ago, King Arren had led his army through this very pass.

The warband broke camp and tried as best they could to cover the traces of their presence. With that, they set off. At least the sun is out, Sven muttered, almost his first words since his brother had been killed. The awesome beauty of the mountains as the sun bathed them in light affected each man. They were still far enough away to make out the snowy peak of Mt. Cymru, even though it must be more than fifteen leagues away, and nearly obscured by the smaller peaks in between. They were used to seeing it from a different side, but they still knew the highest mountain on the Akag peninsula.

As they approached the mouth of the pass, they saw a golden eagle perched on the rocky height above the entrance. He looked at them, and then majestically spread his wings and took off, soaring high and then sweeping his way south. It was almost as if he was leading the way for the warband. "Is that a good omen or a bad omen, Lord Igon?" asked Erdrick.
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Postby Igon Seld » Fri Oct 21, 2005 11:32 am

Igon looks up at the majestic bird and smiles. "I'll choose to take it as a good omen Erdrick! But we still must be vigilant as we come up to the pass... who knows what defences may be in place there now?"
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Postby Matt » Fri Oct 21, 2005 12:12 pm

The Fjaga Pass is a natural break in the mountains, which opens onto the rolling hills the warband has just traversed. Traveling south, the crags and heights are higher on the right than on the left, and the entrance to the pass is crossed by a swift stream running down the mountains towards Geldes Bay. The entrance to the pass is neither guarded nor fortified, and the stream is fordable at this point.

As the warband enters, it's immediately obvious that a large body of men passed this way not long ago. Despite the newly muddied road, already cloying at the warband's boots, tracks, ruts, and hoofprints can still be discerned. Every now and then, other signs appear: a discarded cloth or wrapper, a horseshoe, a broken drinking horn carved with symbols of Sarajin (apparently war booty), and the like.

Though the mud is slowly caking, it's still wet enough to inhibit the pace of the march. By midday, the band has only managed a few leagues. From time to time, the pass widens, and the going is easier there as it becomes possible to walk off the road itself. It is in one of these wider spaces that the warband catches sight of movement up in the rocks - no small animal this time.

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Postby Laenvan Hawkeye » Fri Oct 21, 2005 12:29 pm

"Before we approach the pass within arrowflight, I like to have a first lesson with Ulauf, if this is right with you, Lord Igon." Laenvan asks. "Better two longbows that only one, I might propose..."
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Postby Matt » Fri Oct 21, 2005 12:35 pm

You're already well within shortbow range of the person up in the rocks.

One other thing - Ulauf's present skill with the shortbow already means he can use a longbow better than most. This is more a matter of becoming familiar with a new weapon than any actual training needing to be done. Until then, it's a -10 to ML at worst.
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Postby Igon Seld » Fri Oct 21, 2005 1:27 pm

Not sure if the party has been seen yet Igon motions for silence and moves toward cover on the side were movement was seen. He hopes to cut the angle of our watchers vision by getting closer to the wall of the pass...
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Postby Matt » Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:02 pm

The walls in this area slop away at about 45-50 degree angle on the right and somewhat less steep on the left. Naturally, this is not an even slope, but jagged, with cutbacks and steeper and flatter spots. Whoever it is, they're on the right side, perhaps 50 feet up. It's certainly possible to climb up, with plenty of large rocks and handholds. Indeed, there are even a few places where it's almost a trail. About 80 or 90 feet up the slope flattens considerably and it's impossible to say what's up there at that possibly wide ledge without going up.

The wider area where you are is open - if they have eyes, they saw you.
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Postby Laenvan Hawkeye » Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:08 pm

Having his longbow ready since they entered the pass in his usual manner, Laenvan signals Ulauf silently to take over the second longbow and ready it. Then he searches the towering wands for any possible target and waits for Igons next commands...
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Postby Ulauf Seld » Fri Oct 21, 2005 5:44 pm

Ulauf reaches out and takes the second longbow from Laenvan. Taking a quiver of arrows as well.

Ulauf whispers to Jorst and Sven "I think it might be bet for you two to climb up and see who is there, Laenvan, Erdrick and I will cover you with our bows or if necessary follow immediately if you call!"

"Igon we will try to keep this person pinned down so that Jorst may take him alive."
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Postby Jorst Seld » Fri Oct 21, 2005 7:15 pm

Jorst simply nods at his brother, and signals Sven to follow him.

He makes his way forward and begins to climb.
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Postby Matt » Fri Oct 21, 2005 8:18 pm

"Aye, Lord Jorst," says Sven and follows. The two find what approximates a trail and begin their ascent covered by the bows of the others. It is slow going, but using both hands and making careful footing, they reach the approximate place where the person was first seen. Jorst looks around, and then up, and then notices a large rock which seems to stand away from the face. Drawing his sword, and ordering Sven to stand ready, Jorst moves behind the rock. There is a small person in a brown cloak. "Stand," orders Jorst, and the figure looks up and him and says, "Please, don't hurt me." It is a young Jarin woman.
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Postby Vagnar Granier » Sat Oct 22, 2005 7:46 am

Vagnar, obviously not Ivinian, moves forward as reassuringly as possible, sans weapon drawn "Don't worry, we mean no harm to you".
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Postby Matt » Sat Oct 22, 2005 6:36 pm

Per the OOC question as to where people are, we'll assume that Jorst and Sven brought the girl down before Vagnar's statement.
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Postby Igon Seld » Sun Oct 23, 2005 3:43 am

Igon sheaths his sword and in a calm voice address the girl. "Who are you lass and why in the slayers name are you hiding up there? Why are you not home with your family?"
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Postby Ulauf Seld » Sun Oct 23, 2005 4:08 am

Ulauf moves further down the trail about 10 yards or so and drops into a kneeling position, keeping a watchful eye up the trail and amongst the rocks on either side. Still with arrow nocked.
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Postby Matt » Sun Oct 23, 2005 9:00 am

The girl is 17, perhaps 18 years of age. Initially, her small stature made her appear younger at first, especially as she crouched behind the rock. She wears a simple brown cloak held closed by a metal pin of intricate work. Her round face is quite attractive, and she has the dark hair and eyes common amongst her people. She carries what appears to be an empty sack in her left hand. Although afraid, she looks Igon in the eye when she replies.

"I am Minna, sir. From the village of Sleheim." She points north back up the pass. "I came to bring food to the holy hermit of the rocks. I was returning home when I saw you and thought to hide until you'd passed."
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Jorst nods

Postby Jorst Seld » Sun Oct 23, 2005 1:09 pm

Jorst nods at the girls words.

"Fair enough, young woman. But tell us of this hermit... what manner of man is he?"
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Postby Matt » Sun Oct 23, 2005 2:33 pm

"He is an ancient, holy man, who has lived in the rocks above for generations. No one, not even he, knows just how old he is, but our village has provided him food since my grandmother's day. It is said that he 'broods in tune with the Brooder' and from time to time he has imparted visions of the future to those whom he deigns to speak. I have been bringing him food for many years now, and he has never spoken to me once."
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Postby Laenvan Hawkeye » Sun Oct 23, 2005 3:16 pm

Lavenvan has followed Ulauf and checks with him for any hidden enemy. Longbow not drawn but ready to fire at a moment's notice ...
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Postby Jorst Seld » Sun Oct 23, 2005 9:44 pm

Jorst turns to Igon..

"Cousin, perhaps we should visit this old man, and see what he knows - he may be able to tell us more of what has passed in this region... Of course he may just be a mad Ilviran fool..."
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Postby Igon Seld » Sun Oct 23, 2005 10:54 pm

"I think you may be right Jorst, he may have some news that may be useful."

Turning toward the girl "Minna, would you be willing to lead us to this man? I promise no harm will come to him or you. All we seek is news and information. Afterward you can go without worry or fear."
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Postby Matt » Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:11 am

"I will show you the way. I do not know if he will speak to you - probably not, but it can't hurt to try. I believe you will not harm him - why would you risk the curse of Ilvir for no reason?"

She begins to lead the way up the trail.

[GM: Who goes and who (if anyone) stays?]
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Postby Ulauf Seld » Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:06 pm

I think it best that we all go at least till we get closer to the madman.....
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Postby Igon Seld » Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:45 pm

It's best if we stick together.
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Postby Vagnar Granier » Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:11 pm

Vagnar yawns.

This looks like a good place to kick back and relax...OK, I shall also come along and see what may be seen. :D
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