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Postby Imarë » Fri Mar 04, 2005 10:23 am

The proposal you made Sir Baris is fine, you have to be the one who conveys it so you have to be comfortable with it. You might try that you had been sent by Sir Tovar to meet with the party and there found out about the murder of Sir Felkar and decided you had to be involved in trying to set this foul injustice right. This has the benefit of sticking to the truth (you really seemed steamed by the murder) and it puts you, at best (or worst) at the outer fringes of the group. As I said above, you have to feel comfortable in saying whatever you say. Besides, it would be interesting to see how Sir Blors would treat what is, in essence, a social equal if he were associated with a group he does not like. If our suppositons are correct (on either side) Sir Blors was involved with the attack on Sir Felkar. He was more than courteous to him (even friendly). His reactions bear watching.
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Postby Imarë » Fri Mar 04, 2005 12:44 pm

On an aside here, we have not determined what of the past history of the group will be told to Sir Baris. I refer, of course, to our friend Lord Morgan and the events in Orbaal.
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Postby Matt » Fri Mar 04, 2005 1:28 pm

Imarë wrote:On an aside here, we have not determined what of the past history of the group will be told to Sir Baris. I refer, of course, to our friend Lord Morgan and the events in Orbaal.

I told Teddy to read the prior session notes if he wished, in which case, the secret is out. However, it might be a good idea to spend a few minutes on it next session.

Being kind of a critical piece of information and all ... 8)
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Postby Imarë » Fri Mar 04, 2005 1:43 pm

I know Teddy knows what is going on. It is Sir Baris who has not been told everything. This would be officially letting him know what he knows. I am in favor of telling Sir Baris the whole thing.
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Postby Matt » Fri Mar 04, 2005 1:50 pm

Imarë wrote: It is Sir Baris who has not been told everything. This would be officially letting him know what he knows. I am in favor of telling Sir Baris the whole thing.

Well, then you'll have to administer the oath and teach him the secret handshake. Bloodletting - wasn't there bloodletting? And whatever did we do with those hats and the cone of silence? :?
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Postby Imarë » Fri Mar 04, 2005 1:54 pm

The bloodletting occurs on others (if we can possibly help it). There were differences last time about what should be told (as I recall). Ewen seemed to be in favor of not letting the horses out of the barn prematurely. If I misunderstood then both Ewen and Sir Baris have my mea culpa.

p.s. You forgot the decoder ring ceremony.
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Postby Sir Baris » Fri Mar 04, 2005 2:12 pm

Matt wrote:
Imarë wrote: It is Sir Baris who has not been told everything. This would be officially letting him know what he knows. I am in favor of telling Sir Baris the whole thing.

Well, then you'll have to administer the oath and teach him the secret handshake. Bloodletting - wasn't there bloodletting? And whatever did we do with those hats and the cone of silence? :?

Is it anything like the induction rituals of the adventurers guild (in the online java game "Dragon Court")? If so, I'm not interested.

If I recall, it went something like this:

"The carpet is pulled back to reveal a blood soaked pentagram! A goat is brought in, you are handed a condom! You are instructed to never reveal the secret rituals of the adventurers guild."

Man, that was a fun game.

Back on topic, I haven't actually read the other session notes (work being busy and all). But it is my intention to do so before the next session.
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Postby Imarë » Fri Mar 04, 2005 2:19 pm

Pay close attention to the elephant in the room (the one we have not talked to you about). You might find a few surprises as to whom the group has hung out with. The induction ceremony you describe sounds...different.
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Postby Lord Ewen » Fri Mar 04, 2005 4:59 pm

I don't recall voicing any concern regarding letting Sir Baris in on the issue alluded to above. As a matter of fact, it would be rather presumptuous of Ewen to do so, as the party was good enough to initiate him into the secret when there was probably no pressing need fill him in. I vote for full disclosure as well.

As for bloodletting, I definitely recall something of the sort, as Sir Arlen waxed rather gruesome in his enthusiasm for the innovation. I refer you to the middle of the Session 16 notes: "the initiate is cut in the same manner that ...", going on to mention a certain event several years ago...

For what it's worth, I do think any new initiates should cleave the the identical procedure Sir Arlen subjected us all to :twisted:
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Postby Matt » Fri Mar 04, 2005 7:35 pm

Ewen wrote:For what it's worth, I do think any new initiates should cleave the the identical procedure Sir Arlen subjected us all to :twisted:

Heh. For once, I have no say in the matter ... 8)
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Postby Imarë » Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:41 am

What? Is this a session? Nobody has anything to say :cry: ?
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Postby Lord Ewen » Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:08 pm

Well, I for one am curious as to Ms Palliser's plans for the impending session. About which exactly nothing has been ventured to date... :wink:
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Postby Bevan » Wed Mar 09, 2005 10:55 pm


This is just my theory. I'm not saying my theory is absolutely correct, but the only way to determine if it has shred of being on the money is to prove aspects of it.

1) The relationship between Blors/Felkar. I think Sir Baris has this covered.

2) Agrikan involvement in the murder of the Baron of Quste. I know Baraga did not think it to be in the fashion of the Agrikans to impale the girl, but there is the potential that the mission did not allow time for more ,.....
Could the frat boys be involved? They seem bored and perhaps they have involved themselve in extracurricular activities in the city. Could the more older generation of Agrikans have found themselves deeply involved in political activities? Depending on Ewen's intentions of becoming closer to the Agrikans, perhaps this could be added to the list if it hasn't already.

3) Jarop and the robbery of Felkar. How did he know Felkar would have the bag of money (or potentially some other valuable object as Dave has mentioned)? I think Imarë has the best chance of getting closer to Jarop. If we can find out who he is I think Imarë has a very good chance of approaching him with her tale of Mogger. That she is concerned with his well being after he disappeared on all fours (remember none of them know you know that he is dead) Reliving the horrors of that night and how she saved him and so on and so on. You may even add that she decided to seek him out since he was the last person Mogger mentioned to her before all hell broke out at the Silk Hat. You may want to throw in a little selfishness. I think they repect that.

4) Jarop, regarding the murder of Felkar. See approach in number 3. Does he know who the murderer was? This could begin to prove whether or not the the murder knew about the robbery or if it was just coincidence.

5) Morgathian's involvment with Baron. We know that in the rebellion the M&A were on the same side the Baron was on. What is the relationship beyond this? We have no ties with the M's. We could potentially get closer if Imarë got to know Jarop well, being the brother to a high priest?

6) Aerths - Rahel. Friend or foe? I have been thinking of approaching her myself. Her reaction would certainly determine such. (Please let me know if I am stepping on Ewen's toes). I am still curious as to why she approached Ewen. I can't help but wonder if she knows of something of his past in connection with Borana's daughter. If I have the oppotunity I wouldn't mind finding out what she knows Sir Felkar's and the Baron's dealings in Golotha.
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Postby Imarë » Thu Mar 10, 2005 9:37 am

Those are all good points and ideas that Bevan makes. Imare will try her best to accomplish her portion of it. I personally don't think we (as a group) are fooling anybody, I think the Sir Blors identification in the Bridgetower was the last straw). On the Agrikan front, I think not only the "niece" being run through was the clue. The two guards were also, I believe, cut to pieces. If the GM will confirm, the Agrikans favored weapons seem to be those of a blunt nature. The whole thing seems a little planned for the followers of the god of Chaos (Siegfried call on line one). In any event, solving the murder and kidnapping (we don't know the Baron is dead after all) are not our only goals and the intelligence gathered by Ewen will be helpful with this. The call on the Morgathians is also right on point, how do we find out more about them? Any ideas?
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Postby Matt » Thu Mar 10, 2005 11:08 am

Imarë wrote:I think the Sir Blors identification in the Bridgetower was the last straw).

That's too bad - that was practically your first day in town ...

Imarë wrote:If the GM will confirm, the Agrikans favored weapons seem to be those of a blunt nature.

They do, but that doesn't stop them from using swords. Sir Zaurial, for example. Still, the mace is considered more 'Agrikan.'

Imarë wrote:The whole thing seems a little planned for the followers of the god of Chaos ...

Morgath is the god of chaos, Agrik is the god of fire and war.

Imarë wrote:The call on the Morgathians is also right on point, how do we find out more about them? Any ideas?

You could attend a service or tromp about the crypts some more ... :twisted:
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Postby Imarë » Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:21 pm

Sir Blors reactions at the Bridgetower is one of the reasons I suspect the man. It is one thing not to agree with the Inquisitor General, it is quite another to work against his will (which this was in my opinion). If we had been questioning his functioning in connection with Golotha it would be one thing, but he has no role in the governing (or lack) of the city.

To me the description of "cut to pieces" does not smack of followers of Agrik. We are, however, going on the word of an embalmer who seems to have issues himself. While not moving the issue into the definite column, I would move it into the unlikely catagory. On Morgathians I have not heard they prefer one type of weapon over another. They do not seem to have large numbers of armed (and armored) people about. Did we find any indication that anybody but the guards and the girl were injured in the fight (for instance their attackers). They did not seem to be pushovers, in fact I seem to remember that Dascomb found out at least one of them was in a Legion. If they could get no good injuries on the force attacking them, it would indicate a well trained and armored group.

I do always seem to mix up Agrik and Morgath. Makes sense they slaughtered everybody they could find in the Silk Hat and then burned it however. They do seem the antithisis of subtle here in Golotha, and this whole thing smacks of being very subtle.

To me, the graveyard seems a fall back postion. All that we got out of it was the fact that animals can sense that the dead rise there and that the dead are flamable. If we could find a fast way into the Temple there it would be interesting to go, but since the 'services' happen only infrequently and we have seen no other sign of activity. On the other hand, if the Morgathians were involved in the kidnapping of the Baron, where better to keep him? Nobody in their right mind goes there and it is unoccupied (by the living at least) the rest of the time. I suppose the Baron could have been brought into the city in a wagon or cart or by boat to under one of the wharves, but the chance of noise would be greaterand somebody might stumble onto him (if he is still alive). I am sure there is some kind of clock on his life, probably short by now.
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Postby Imarë » Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:35 pm

An additional thought. Do anybody who followed the Baron out of town remember what the animals that drew the wagon or the individual stead look like? Is it possible that one of these could be identified if they were seen again? There are only so many places these animals could be kept in the city, or am I wrong here? Just a thought of something to at least look at (no cadavers of animals found). Again, going to the people who sell armor (as we did) might be a way to go, the armor of the guards and of the Baron (if he had any) is also missing.
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Postby Lord Ewen » Thu Mar 10, 2005 7:45 pm

Depending on Ewen's intentions of becoming closer to the Agrikans, perhaps this could be added to the list if it hasn't already.

Consider it on the list.

I think Imarë has the best chance of getting closer to Jarop.

I agree, and have advocated for Imarë developing a connection with the chandler. Cheryl covers the benefits of pursuing this line of approach nicely.

Please let me know if I am stepping on Ewen's toes

Not at all. It has occurred to me that both Rahel and Borana may be more inclined to share with somebody other than Ewen, especially if Rahel knows something of Borana's daughter, which has been raised as a possibility. On the other hand, if the other speculation about Rahel has merit (her being connected with a certain former beaux of Bevan's), things may prove interesting indeed. At any rate, an interview with Rahel as a follow-up to your meeting with Parqu would seem natural enough.

Dave's notion about the draft animals seems well-worth pursuing; even if the beasts are not individually notable, we could canvas the town for horses stabled on the evening of the 11th. I certainly doubt the beasts were secreted atop the Temple Hill...
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Postby Imarë » Thu Mar 10, 2005 7:59 pm

One of the horses was Sir Felkars horse, probably of better quality and therefore a better chance of finding it.

I will try to get close to Jarop I just don't know the best way. Assiciating with at least one of the other minions would be the best way, the direct approach does not seem...survivable.
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