Halane 16, 730 - Leriel

The Public Area for the PBF

Postby Jorst Seld » Wed Feb 22, 2006 5:24 pm

Jorst stands and places a hand on Laenvan's shoulder and says "My friend, I know you mean no offence but let us not offend our host or his kinsman. They have kindly offered us there hospitality let us not be rude. Offer Torn you hand."

"Lord Hammarkel, we only retell the story as those that were there." Jorst says bowing his head and resuming his seat.
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Postby Matt » Wed Feb 22, 2006 5:24 pm

"Aye, that is all any man can do."

Hammarkel continues. "To answer some of your questions, the surrounding villages are depopulated because the Jarin up and left. Most of them went east - the Jarin hold Lorkin, Shese, and Arone you know - though I also think some of them went to Pethwys. Weymyss looks to be sitting this one out, not joining either side. I'd like to do something about that, but I don't have the men. Gwaeryn keep is abandoned but not the village."

He reaches for another piece of roast, and says between bites, "The Thardans are here not at all. I occasionally send a reliable man down to Gwaeryn but there's no sign they've come across Lake Benath. No, all is quiet in these parts, and we haven't has so much as backtalk from the few Jarin who've remained in Leriel. One thing that does worry me though, is that there's no sign of the Fur Road caravan. It's more than late."
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Postby Ulauf Seld » Wed Feb 22, 2006 5:38 pm

Ulauf sensing a fight might be about to start keeps an outwardly calm demeanor whilst inside he is preparing himslef. Knowing that to start a disturbance whilst in the hall of your host is the height of rudeness is hoping that it will all settle down.

Seeing Jorst stand up and calm things down reminds him of how much his brother has come of age since joining the King's court.

Jorst seems to have a better grasp of the courtly politics than I, Ulauf thinks to himself.

Ulauf turning to Igon whispers "Jorst handled that rather well don't you think. He is not the little brother I remember leaving us to join the court in Geldenheim."
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Postby Ulauf Seld » Wed Feb 22, 2006 6:00 pm

Matt wrote:" the Jarin hold Lorkin, Shese, and Arone you know - though I also think some of them went to Pethwys. Weymyss looks to be sitting this one out, not joining either side. I'd like to do something about that, but I don't have the men. Gwaeryn keep is abandoned but not the village."

Ulauf notes that these villages are unknown to him. It has been months since there last visit to retake Leriel and although the terrain is familiar to him the village names are not.....

"The Jarin numbers are swelling. How many men can you muster Lord Hammarkel? And what number of Jarin can be brought to bear against you should they so decide?

Matt wrote:One thing that does worry me though, is that there's no sign of the Fur Road caravan. It's more than late."

When was it due.....
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Postby Jorst Seld » Wed Feb 22, 2006 6:05 pm

Matt wrote:I would to Sarajin that we had some sorcery on our side. If we are to complain that a sorceror King from the south is not fighting according to our rules, then Orbaal is already lost."

"I meant no complaint Lord Hammarkel, it means that if they are not prepared to honour us by fighting honourably then we should not give them our honour and fight according to the Ljarl. There will not be another Fjaga, we were surprised by the southrons, BUT NOT AGAIN!"

"It is unfortunate that if there be no honour in this war many warriors may not find peace with the Grey Slayer. I only hope that the Grey Slayer will see courage and honour in our warriors hearts. Again this is for my cousin to debate."
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Postby Matt » Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:33 pm

Hunris Hammarkel looks at the young Seld brothers with amazement. "It is true that the fire of Sarajin burns within ye, but you have misread the situation. The Southrons surprised us true, but they fought according to their own idea of honor. And they beat us fair - make no mistake about that. To say that we will never be surprised again is to underestimate the enemy - the code of Ljarl warns against such presumption. As to how many men I have - that is my burden not yours. Your burden seems to me to be otherwise. I shall defend this castle as I was commanded by my lord the King, but I am aware that the Jarin outnumber us nearly eight to one. The Jarin have left this part of the kingdom, but if they return, I shall do what I need to do whatever the cost may be."

"As to the caravan, it is several weeks overdue. Meanwhile, I shall give you Igon Seld and your warband every aid I can. The hospitality of my hall, resupply, and equipment if I have it to spare. What more would ye of me?"
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Postby Igon Seld » Wed Feb 22, 2006 9:01 pm

Matt wrote:"As to the caravan, it is several weeks overdue. Meanwhile, I shall give you Igon Seld and your warband every aid I can. The hospitality of my hall, resupply, and equipment if I have it to spare. What more would ye of me?"

Igon nods to Lord Hammarkel... "Your offer is generous my lord and I hope to repay it when these troubles are behind us and you have the time to join us in our hall. For the most part I think just a resupply of our trail rations and a dry bed will suffice." Turning to the brothers... " I do not believe there is an issue with any equipment ... " Turning back to the Lord... "But if there is we will seek out your quartermaster....

"As for the battle surely to come.... we will fight it as the Slayer taught us... and if there is a trick or two that we can turn back on the Thardans, I'm sure the Slayer will not hold it against us... we fight for him and our enemies will find little mercy from the Slayer or us. But this King we fight knows the ways of war, as well as his Sire it seems... and he knows the sweet taste of victory... he will not be defeated overnight or in a single battle. He has all the cards at the moment.... and it's his game, we will have to change that game to gain the initiative and take te fight to him.
For now we must hold what we have and prepare for what is to come."
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Postby Matt » Wed Feb 22, 2006 9:37 pm

Igon Seld wrote:"As for the battle surely to come.... we will fight it as the Slayer taught us... and if there is a trick or two that we can turn back on the Thardans, I'm sure the Slayer will not hold it against us... we fight for him and our enemies will find little mercy from the Slayer or us. But this King we fight knows the ways of war, as well as his Sire it seems... and he knows the sweet taste of victory... he will not be defeated overnight or in a single battle. He has all the cards at the moment.... and it's his game, we will have to change that game to gain the initiative and take te fight to him.
For now we must hold what we have and prepare for what is to come."

"Ah, well said! Well said! I knew the Selds were a fine clan! Just so, Igon, just so. We must use guile against this King - he has the bit in his teeth and he expects victory. If he has a vulnerability - that is it. Well said! With such courage and wisdom, we shall prevail. My kinsmen and friends, let us raise a horn to victory!"

All the Hammarkel huscarls rise with Lord Hammarkel and raise their meade-filled horns ...
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Postby Ulauf Seld » Wed Feb 22, 2006 9:51 pm

Ulauf stands and raising his drinking horn drains the contents....
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Postby Jorst Seld » Wed Feb 22, 2006 9:55 pm

Jorst joins Lord Hammarkel, his brother, his companions and the rest of the members of the assembly by standing and draining the contents of his drinking horn.....
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Postby Ulauf Seld » Wed Feb 22, 2006 10:03 pm

After draining the contents of his drinking horn Ulauf says "With your permission Lord Hammarkel, I would be away to attend to our re-provisioning" and with a bow of his head Ulauf departs the hall.

Ulauf leaves the hall wondering if Hammarkel who has never faced off against the southrons has any idea of what he is talking about.....to Ulauf, Jorst's idea's made perfect sense. Maybe he could read his brother like only a brother could.
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Postby Matt » Wed Feb 22, 2006 10:57 pm

Ulauf Seld wrote:After draining the contents of his drinking horn Ulauf says "With your permission Lord Hammarkel, I would be away to attend to our re-provisioning" and with a bow of his head Ulauf departs the hall.

"It is meet to see to the needs of your warband."

Lord Hammarkel reclaims his seat after the toast. Conversation resumes ...
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Postby Ulauf Seld » Wed Feb 22, 2006 11:10 pm

At the door to the hall Ulauf stops and calls out to Dragoran to join him and lend a hand.

If Dragoran joins him he and Dragoran will gather together Erdrick, Sven and Soran and see to it that everything needed is replaced from the used stocks on the mules.

While Soran is off tending the supplies Ulauf has an ostler take a look at the mules.

Ulauf will spend what's left of the day trying to find out about the trail south from the villagers.
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Postby Jorst Seld » Wed Feb 22, 2006 11:16 pm

After the toast Jorst resumes his seat. He mulls over the conversation between him, Igon and Lord Hammarkel. His cousin has summed up what he was trying to say but without making such a dog's breakfast of it.

Maybe he had had to much mead. Jorst spends the most of the time sitting quietly amongst the retinue of Lord Hammarkel. Answering questions as politely as possible but curtly. He usually did well during court maybe it was the mead. :oops:
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Postby Matt » Wed Feb 22, 2006 11:24 pm

[GM: Jorst certainly knows the players, the etiquette, and the protocol. He has known Hunris Hammarkel from when he was a young lad first at Geldeheim castle training as a huscarl. Lord Hammarkel has ever been so in his view - shrewd but pessimistic. Both have their uses ...]
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Postby Laenvan Hawkeye » Thu Feb 23, 2006 2:03 am

After having risen his drinkhorn with all the other in honour and having drained it, Laenvan offers huscarl Torn his hand as an offer to peace. "We have to stand together in this or the Thardan will swallow us all..."

Having made his peace with the mighty huscarl they soon loose themselves in tales of battles and Laenvan is shrewd enough this time to mantle good advice in a glorious tale as to teach the huscarl the way Thardans (and many of the southrons nowadays) fight their battles...

If this word spreads... then the least Laenvan can contribute is that the Ivinians learn how their enemy fights his wars.
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Postby Dragoran Shengaad » Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:52 am

Lord Hammarkel, if I may, do you really believe that Orbaal is under dire threat from this 'sorceror'? Do you really believe he is a sorceror at all for that fact. I have done much study over the previous years, some of which concerning Arren and Arren II. My belief is that we are indeed dealing with a man who will use magic to serve his needs.

Would an opposing magic user on our side be of any use against a 'race' of magicians. I am not sure myself. And would trust be forthcoming for this person, as many have exclaimed tonight, a 'magic-user' cannot be trusted.
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Postby Matt » Thu Feb 23, 2006 11:45 am

Hammarkel regards Dragoran for a moment, and then replies "The one thing that's sure is that there is a dire threat from men with axe and sword. Now on the one hand, we've got the Jarin all stirred up again. We put them down once, and I'm sure we could do it again, even though they outnumber us, because we're stronger and fighting's our trade. But we also need them - Leriel and the surrrounding villages are not going to be producing crops next year because most of the Jarin have fled. And those who remain have to be watched."

"If that were all that face us, it would be a bother, no more. But it isn't. We've got this southron King with his men of the axe and sword - and fighting is their trade. They've proven that right enough. And we fight ourselves - did not the Lord of Tandir raid Geldeheim while the King's back was turned? Who else hates the Taareskelds more than the southrons? What about Tursi Cyeen of Arathel who's rumored to have joined the southrons?"

"With all that going for him, Arren of Tharda need not worry about sorcery. But if you ask me if I think he is, the answer is yes. I was at Cape Renda, I saw the demon wind. Now one of those Melderyni mages is come to our land at the head of an army. The magic he'll use is not in battle - although that's possible - but in guile. He'll use magic to learn things we can't, to send messages in ways we can't, and to confuse us like Westmarch tried to do with you. Would our people trust a sorceror? I place my trust in a man on account of his deeds and his honor, not because he wields a spell instead of a blade. But I might be in small company there."

"Yet you say you've studied these men? I would hear something of this."
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Postby Vagnar Granier » Thu Feb 23, 2006 7:06 pm

Vagnar maintains his quiet and courteous manner, and seeks for an interesting looking person to seat next to...
They say I am mad...they make a good case.
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Postby Dragoran Shengaad » Fri Feb 24, 2006 3:31 am

Well King Arren I was a peculiar breed of magic user. He was from a school of magic known as Deryni. It is a school of magic only in so much, that it differs from other schools of magic. Deryni do not learn magic. They are born with magic.

There magic is similar to the school of Savorya which deals with knowledge and the mind, but the deryni's magic comes from innate strength, so although the user of such magic can be extremely powerful, that are not very innovative so to speak.

From all the information I have gathered, it is also my belief that Arren II may also be of the Deryni school of magic.

It would be wise to note however, that the corpse of Arren I was never found, as he 'disappeared' from the field of battle after a duel with King Andasin.

I am of the belief that without a counter to his sorcery, than we are all in danger. His peoples can be fought, true, but with magic on their side? I feel that our people will have to put aside their prejudice and seek the aid of one who may be able to combat Arren on a mental level.
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Postby Igon Seld » Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:10 am

Dragoran Shengaad wrote:I am of the belief that without a counter to his sorcery, than we are all in danger. His peoples can be fought, true, but with magic on their side? I feel that our people will have to put aside their prejudice and seek the aid of one who may be able to combat Arren on a mental level.

Igon turns to Dragoran with a concerned look... "What you say may be true my friend, but what mage would be willing to go against him? All those Meldryni mages have links to the Melderyni crown and young Arren is an offshoot of the melderyni royal clan... I think we would be hard pressed to find someone will to go against him... just to help us. It may be that a mundane solution will be needed to deal with him... "
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Postby Dragoran Shengaad » Fri Feb 24, 2006 6:12 pm

unbeknownst to many of our kin, there are mages amongst our people that conceal this information for fear that their families and friends will condemn them.

I am certain, down to my bones, that there are people who can and will stand up to this King.

A Mundane solution will not dispose of Arren. His innate abilities will not allow this.

Tell me Igon, how would you treat one of your kin, or clan that revealed themselves a mage, in order to deal with Arren?
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Postby Igon Seld » Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:25 pm

"If he be a loyal son of Sarajin, I would hold him as any other member of my clan... but then I was trained in ways some would call "magic", even though I act but as a conduit for our lords will. I do not fears the arts or the knowlege that goes with it... I fear those who would use such arts to dominate our people."
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Postby Matt » Sat Feb 25, 2006 9:46 am

Lord Hammarkel says, "It seems you have studied much of such things, Dragoran. Tell me, do you know of such among our people? Are they Shek Pvar or are they Deryni? For I have always heard that the Shek Pvar do not interfere in the affairs of others."

[GM: This will probably be my last entry here until Monday. The FtFers have their session tomorrow, and I'll be busy with that (and taking one of the cats to the vet for her annual checkup) for the remainder of the weekend.]
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Postby Dragoran Shengaad » Sun Feb 26, 2006 5:01 am

Dragoran turns to Igon "It is good that you have such views Igon, it will hold you in good stead in days to come, of this I am sure"

Turning back to Lord Hammarkel Dragoran responds "Well my Lord I invested much study to many things. After all, that is my goal. To attain more knowledge."

Taking a sip of his drink, he continues "Of deryni I know very little my Lord. I wish I had a greater chance to study this in greater detail, but unfortunately, most Deryni do not flaunt what abilities they have. As in all things, Arren, is an abomination of his.." A small pause from Dragoran as he considers his next word "..kind I guess. But as I stated earlier, they are similar in ability to that of Savoryan Shek-Pvar, who amongst other things, cherish knowledge above all else."

Looking Lord Hammarkel straight in the eye, Dragoran words his next response carefully "It is true my lord, Shek-Pvar do exist amongst the clans, there may be one or two Deryni, but as I said, I wouldn't know. The Shek-Pvar, are also fairly secretive, but not enough so, that there isn't information that you cant glean. A fair assumption would be to say that they do not interfere in the affairs of others, but that is the school itself. There are still individuals within them obviously, and so long as they do not bring disrepute down upon the order, they may do what they believe they need to do. Shek-Pvar do not sever their links to their heritage either, so it is possible that a Shek-Pvar may feel the need to take action against Arren."
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